2020-04-18 Annual Meeting with WUPPDR speakers Jerry Wuorenmaa and Rachael Pressley

2020-04-18 Annual Meeting with WUPPDR speakers Jerry Wuorenmaa and Rachael Pressley


Michigan US
Saturday, April 18, 2020 - 1:00pm to Sunday, April 19, 2020 - 12:45pm

If you would like to see the April 18 - 1 pm 60th Annual meeting with WUPPDR speakers Jerry Wuorenmaa and Rachael Pressley and subsequent business meeting. Please click on this link to see the video on YouTube. 60th Annual Meeting

Here are the presentations slides for the Western Upper Peninsula Planning & Development Region (WUPPDR):

WUPPDR's Regional Impact   

WUPPDR's Local Food Systems Planning