Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 12:00am to 11:45pm
You can still respond online, or by phone or mail until October 15 through !
- Due to COVID-19, some households haven’t received their invitations yet. If you’ve not received your questionnaire or if you’ve lost yours, you can still respond online or over the phone by using your street or rural route address.
- You can still respond to the census even if you haven’t received your invitation or if you’ve lost your invitation.
Go to "Responding to the 2020 Census without a Census ID." This 2-page resource PDF also answers questions including how to list your address if you live or stay in a garage or added structure on a property, and how to respond for multiple people or families living at the same address. - Click here to complete the 2020 Census questionnaire online or call 1-844-330-2020 (toll-free call) to respond over the phone (language specific phone lines can be found here).
For more information:
- Hawai'i State's 2020 Census page
- U.S. Census's Site for Hawai'i: