Suffrage Centennial, 100 Years of Women's Right to Vote

Suffrage Centennial, 100 Years of Women's Right to Vote

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 5:30pm


California US

The League of Women Voters of Fresno is pleased to announce a celebration of 100 Years of Suffrage on August 26th via zoom.

At the event Janet Claassen will receive the 2020 Werner Lipton Award for outstand long-term volunteerism from the League of Women Voters of Fresno. She first worked for VISTA and was stationed in New Mexico.  She was the High School librarian for the Madera schools and retired in 2006.  She began working with the Friends of the Fresno County Library and organized and staffed their annual book sale.  She became a Master Gardener and volunteered at Scout Island to work with court referred teenagers to grow plants from seed for Tree Fresno, the San Joaquin River Parkway,  Caltrans, schools and parks.  As a member of California Naturalist program and the CA Native Plant Society Janet helped maintain China Creek, an undeveloped Fresno County Park in Centerville.

Janet is the mother of three, grandmother of 12, and great grandmother of one.

Linda Penner is the recipient of the 2020 Women’s Equality Day Award from the League of Women Voters of Fresno.

 She has served the Probation Department in Fresno County since 1977, including serving as Chief Probation Officer  from 2005 to 2012.  Through her stewardship the department transitioned to Evidenced Based Practices for recidivism reduction that encompasses community safety. Ms. Penner championed for a culture that created integrity, and professionalism, fairness and equity to courts andoffenders. Ms. Penner recognized that public safety services include rehabilitation services and through her leadership Fresno County Probation initiated policies, practices and services that promote fewer crime victims through an emphasis of assessment-based accountability and programs.

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