Representing the League at the Boston Rally to Defend Abortion on October 2: (left to right) Ann-Mara Lanza, Marguerite Chatelier, Jenny Zannetos, and Bonny Nothern
Wellesley League members Anne Rippy Turtle, Ellen Hallet, Susan Clapham and Tanya Roy attend the League's 2019 "Day on the Hill", a LWVMA event held annually at the Massachusetts State House to discuss upcoming legislation and advocacy.
Wellesley High students’ interest in exercising their right to vote has more than tripled over the last two years, from 44 in 2017 to 134 new voter registrations this year on this one-day annual event. (L to R: Jessica Fixler, Kathie Clay, Laura Brown-MacKinnon, MaryAnne Ulian, Tanya Roy, Jen Ellis. Not pictured: Colette Aufranc.)
The Wellesley LWV recognized Mary Ann Cluggish and Anne Rippy Turtle for their 50 years of distinguished service to the League at the Annual Meeting in May 2019.
League members Anne Rippy Turtle, Ann-Mara Lanza, Jenny Zannetos and Ellen Hallett wear their suffragette white in the May 2019 Wellesley Parade to celebrate the centenary of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote.
League members Raina McManus, Laura Brown McKinnon, Susan Clapham and Ellen Hallett meet with ROE Act co-sponsor Alice Peisch at the Massachusetts State House
On October 12, 2017, the LWV Wellesley hosted its first ever "Wellesley Meet-Up: Informal discussions with your elected town officials." Residents were invited to attend this "speed dating"-style event, which was attended by members of every elected town board and committee.
Meet the Candidates Night, held on March 1, 2018, was a chance for voters to meet the candidates for town-wide office, hear their positions on issues of importance to the town, and pose questions directly to them. 19 of the 21 candidates running for 11 Town-wide offices participated.
On June 6, 2018, LWVW members Ellen Hallett, Erry Johnson and Tanya Roy joined other LWVMA members at the Naturalization Ceremony in Lowell to help welcome 995 new American citizens from 95 countries, greeting them with flags and voter registration applications.
LWV Wellesley members meet with State Representative Alice Peisch on March 9, 2018 at the home of Lise Olney to hear about the current legislative session and ask Rep. Peisch questions about issues which are important to Wellesley residents. Photo by LWVW member Tanya Roy.
The League of Women Voters Wellesley celebrated its 80th birthday at Candidates' Night. 2017-18 Board members (L to R): Ann-Mara Lanza, Jenny Zannetos, Joellen Toussaint, Anne Rippy Turtle, Erry Johnson, Ann Rappaport, Irene Flint, Ellen Hallett
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Your support goes directly to the League's work to protect and defend our democracy. Together we ensure our elections are free, fair and accessible; protect our environment; and reduce the influence of money in our elections.
On December 5, 2024, the League of Women Voters of Wellesley held our annual information session for anyone interested in running for Town Meeting or one of Wellesley’s Boards in our town's March 2025 election. With our panel of civic all-stars,
Scope: Our study will investigate the benefits and drawbacks of lowering the voting age in Wellesley, including topics suggested by the discussion at the 2024 Annual Town Meeting.
Are you thinking about running for office in Wellesley? Are you finding the process confusing? Here is the most current information we have for the upcoming 2025 Town Election.