Online Event: Racism and Redistricting: How Unfair Maps Impact Communities of Color
On October 8, at 7pm ET, the League of Women Voters of the United States, along with LWV of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia will host a discussion on the role systemic racism plays in silencing voters of color and how it’s shaped one of the most important processes for ensuring voters’ voices are heard. These community leaders will share information on the work being done to end some of the most egregious racial gerrymandering in the country—and what all is at stake in this year's election. The discussion will be moderated by LWVUS President Turner
This is a FREE live event on LWVUS Facebook Live. You can register to receive the FacebookLive link through Eventbrite to receive the link; Or via our Facebook Live link: https://www.facebook.com/leagueofwomenvoters/posts/10158460133127279
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SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLKIT: Additionally, we have created graphics and social media content for Leagues to share leading up to the event. Use this link to access content to share on your social media platforms.