January Planning Meeting

January Planning Meeting


Michigan US
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - 6:30pm

LWV of the Copper Country Planning Meeting as of January 19, 2021.


Suggest Your Idea for an Area of Study 

The meeting will be held using Zoom. If you wish to join, contact Mary Marchaterre at 483-2291 or email mmmarcha [at] mtu.edu

We are interested in your ideas regarding topics you would be interested to see as study or informational programs. You are always encouraged to both suggest topics and offer to head up a study committee and help prepare a program on that subject. The board is continually reviewing the program calendar. Get in touch with any of the board members about an idea. Our January planning meeting is when we formally received proposals for new local study topics. A study can lead to the adoption of a new position, which then means we have that available for potential advocacy regarding legislative or ballot proposals related to that issue. Educational programs can be done in a  huge variety of general subject areas, with or without a  formal study underway. Current positions can be found at our web site lwvccmi.org. A current position can also be re-opened for further study and possible revision. If you have ideas to suggest or that you want to discuss, please let a  board member know. 

 LWV of the Copper Country Planning Meeting as of January 19, 2021.
