Past Events

Past Events

Call or text 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) to speak with a trained Election Protection volunteer. You can also call this number with any concerns before and during the election.  
Due to a formatting error, Houghton County Clerk candidate Jennifer Kelly is listed as a Republican instead of a Democrat in the printed local Voter Guide. has the correct information as entered by the participating candidates themselves. LWVCC regrets the error and will issue corrections if any other errors are found.
2024 Local Voter Guide vol. 1 - Michigan House, Houghton County, School Board races
2024 Local Voter Guide vol. 2 - Michigan House, Keweenaw County races, Baraga County, School Board races

2024 Know Your Voting Rights
Presidential Guide

2024-09-27 Candidate Forum with:
110 House of Representatives and
Portage Township Supervisor and Trustee candidates
Any recording is the property of the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country and cannot be used for campaign purposes or any other use without the express written consent of the League of Women Voters.
   video of presentation 04/20/2024 - password is J4S!=5PC


Feb 20:  In this program, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, the Attorney General discusses Line 5, voting in MI, and the court case of the "fake electors" in the 2020 election. 

You can see a recording of the Conversation with Attorney General Dana Nessel at:

 Voting in 2024 - What you need to know.

Town Hall Presentation by LWV Taryn Mason at Portage Lake District Library.
Passcode: pG9ZX%kj

Media Meet with MNMU-TV PBS.

Learn about this year's upcoming elections, including important voting dates and new ways to cast your ballot. Guests include Linda Talsma, Marquette County Clerk; League of Women Voters of the Copper Country's Elizabeth Benyi; and League of Women Voters of Marquette County's Sandy Breitenbach and Laura Sabo.

Recording of speakers at annual meeting Sen. McBroom and Rep. Markkanen  April 15, 2023    Passcode: ZU$w4Snp


National Popular Vote Compact Presentation 

 Here are the PowerPoint and flyer from the presentation from the meeting on March 23, 2022

Here is a presentation from Suzanne Fisher, president of the Asheville-Buncombe County League and head of its National Popular Vote Action Team, who spoke at our 2022 Council in Morehead City about the National Popular Vote. She also recorded her presentation, to benefit any League members who could not attend Council. 

VIDEO: Could We Elect Future Presidents Using the National Popular Vote?

Here is a version from Macomb County:


March 14 is Equal Pay Day 2023, a day that symbolizes the extra days an average woman must work to catch up to what the average man earned the previous year. According to data from the American Association of University Women, women earn 83 cents, on average, for every dollar earned by men. For women of color, the gap is even worse.

The date of Equal Pay Day changes from year to year as the situation improves — no gender pay gap would mean Equal Pay Day lands on December 31, that is, women and men, on average, earn the same amount over the course of a year.  This is not the case, and thus one can think of women as working into the following year to make as much as a man, on average—having to work until March 14 is having to work 50 extra days (M-F).  Red is worn on Equal Pay Day as a symbol of how far women and people of color are "in the red." 

What can be done?  Widespread awareness is a first and very effective step in addressing the Gender Pay Gap.  On March 14 we’ll spread awareness by wearing red and gathering at the Husky on campus from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  We’ll be giving out cookies, sharing data, and answering questions.  Everyone can do something, whether it’s being on the lookout for nonconscious bias in employment practices, interceding for yourself, a friend, or a colleague, or staying informed on current research into the causes of workplace pay inequity.

Co-sponsoring the Equal Pay Day event this year are: the Copper Country League of Women Voters, Society of Women Engineers, Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Michigan Tech Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX, Michigan Tech Graduate School, Friends of the Michigan Tech Library, and Women in Natural Resources Club at Michigan Tech.

Find out what you can do to help close the gap.  If your organization would like to join the list of co-sponsors of Equal Pay Day in the future, please contact Faith Morrison, fmorriso [at]  You’ll be making positive change happen.

Here is the Equal Pay Day Brochure that will be handed out.


Climate Change 2023: Challenges and Solutions with Peter Sinclair.
The recording is available at
Speaker: Peter Sinclair of the Yale Climate Project
The League of Women Voters of Washtenaw County and the League of Women Voters of Michigan Environmental Network is thrilled to announce that Peter Sinclair of the Yale Climate Project gave a presentation to Michigan League members and friends on the state of our climate in 2023 and on what we can and must do now to slow global warming.
Peter Sinclair is a Midland, MI-based videographer specializing in environment and energy issues. For a decade he has produced a monthly video series for the Yale University School of Environment. Peter has interviewed hundreds of the world’s leading scientists and engineers and has been embedded regularly with science teams in critical areas, including the Greenland Ice Sheet. His videos are recognized by experts internationally and have established Peter as a frequent presenter on climate, renewable energy, and science communication. In 2017, the National Center for Science Education recognized Peter as a “Friend of the Planet.”

Ironwood Area School Board Candidate Forum was held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, beginning at 6:30 pm CST in the Ironwood Memorial Building Auditorium, 213 S. Marquette Street in Ironwood, Michigan.
This forum was organized and sponsored by the Gogebic Range Unit of the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country. Glen Ackerman-Behr moderated the forum.

Ironwood Area School Board Candidates are listed alphabetically:
Brenda Agee
Clancey R. Byrne
Caroline Delich
Rozina Doss
Chandra J. Moreno
Aaron D. Ruotsala
Ashley Weber-Jarvenpaa

Three candidates could not attend (Agee, Delich, and Ruotsala). The Forum followed the LWV’s ‘Empty Chair Forum Policy”, with an empty chair for that candidate and a name card in front of their place at the Forum table. All candidates, including those absent, were introduced at the beginning of the forum.
Here is the video link to our event.


The October 27, 2022 Candidate Meet and Greet 

Joshua B. Saaranen (incumbent, Republican), Houghton County Sheriff candidate (0.00)
Roger E. Sullivan (Independent), Houghton County Sheriff candidate (5:09)
Daniel Watrous (Democrat), Houghton County Commissioner District 2 candidate (10:15)
Roy A. Britz (incumbent, Republican), Houghton County Commissioner District 5 candidate (11:46)
Here is the video link to our event.
(Sept 29, 2022) Dr. Faith Morrison from the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country presented a pro/con educational program on the three ballot proposals that will appear on November 8, 2022, ballot in Michigan. 
Here's the link for the video of the presentation:
(Oct. 6, 2022) Dr. Elizabeth Benyi from the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country presented an advocacy program called Promote the Vote - why you should vote YES on Ballot Proposal 2-22 for the November 2022 general election at the Portage Lake District Library and via Zoom. Proposal 2-22 seeks to amend the state constitution to add provisions to make voting easier while maintaining election security. 
Link for the presentation:
Any recording is the property of the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country and cannot be used for campaign purposes or any other use without the express written consent of the League of Women Voters.

A major historian of the suffrage movement and prolific author, Dr. Wagner’s anthology The Women's Suffrage Movement, with a Forward by Gloria Steinem (Penguin Classics, 2019), unfolds a new intersectional look at the 19th century woman’s rights movement. Sisters in Spirit: Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influence on Early American Feminists (Native Voices, 2001) documents the surprisingly unrecognized authority of Native women, who inspired the suffrage movement. It was followed by her young reader’s book, We Want Equal Rights: How Suffragists Were Influenced by Native American Women (Native Voices, 2020).

A recording of the session is available here: .

The following resources were mentioned throughout the webinar:


Here is the presentation recording on November 11 in the Portage Lake District Library Community Room: <b>Update on Michigan Voting Rights, Voting Bills, and Ballot Initiative</b> by presenter Richelle Winkler, Assoc. Prof. Social Sciences with panelist Houghton City Clerk Ann Vollrath.

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: #5GNg9z+


 Voter Information Pamphlet  and Know Your Rights Pamphlet  Be a more informed citizen 

  • Engage in Civics in your community
  • Challenge your News Literacy skills
  • Exercise your Voting Rights 



Sept 20, 2021 event by Judy Karandjeff Chairperson of LWVMI Advocacy Committee.  She presented a PowerPoint program and Q & A about the voter suppression bills currently in the MI Legislature.  

In case you missed this presentation, here are the links to the presentation and slides.

Meeting Recording:

Slides from meeting


The Human Rights Special Interest Group offers three presentations:

  • Inspirational Works of Art at the United Nations
  • United Nations Core Human Rights Conventions
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 

These 30-minute virtual presentations are offered at no cost and are available at your convenience throughout the year.  If compatible with your scheduling, please keep in mind United Nations Day on October 24 and United Nations Human Rights Day on December 10.  For questions and to arrange a presentation, please use our website’s Contact link at

About the Human Rights Special Interest Group

The Human Rights Special Interest Group is a non-profit, research-based, independent entity.  Our mission is to inspire local community efforts to educate, advocate, and implement international human rights policies and goals. Founding members have been involved with the League of Women Voters at the local, state, and national levels, including serving as LWVUS delegates to the UN Commission on the Status of Women.  In addition to being human-rights advocates, our members have professional experience as researchers, speakers, and moderators.  Please also see our publications related to human rights, available for download from our website

About the Presentations 

• Inspirational Works of Art at the United Nations

This presentation has received enthusiastic feedback, and we are delighted to offer it again.  It showcases over two dozen sculptures, mosaics, murals, and tapestries on display at the UN property in New York City.  Selected to highlight the theme of universal human rights and peace, many works are the creation of renowned international artists and were gifts to the UN by Member States. 

• United Nations Core Human Rights Conventions

The 1948 UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (UDHR) serves as the foundation for subsequent UN human rights documents. This presentation introduces the UDHR, followed by eight key conventions.  Included are those that address rights of women, children, persons from various racial groups, persons with disabilities, migrant workers and their families, and persons who are incarcerated or detained.

• United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the United Nations blueprint for fashioning a prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable planet by 2030.   This motivational presentation reviews the targets for each goal, and is designed to reinforce the central promise of the UN’s 2030 Agenda: to transform our world into a place where NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND.


Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Townhall co-host Portage Lake District Library on April 20, 2021.

For those who could not attend, here is the link to the recorded meeting.

61st Recorded Annual Meeting with Pat Gotschalk on Saturday, April 17 at 1 pm.

Speaker Pat Gotschalk; The Legal Process: Thoughts on the Transition from Ruth Bader Ginsberg to Amy Coney Barrett

For those who could not attend, here is the link to the recorded meeting.