[TALK] A Conversation with LWVUS President, Dr. Deborah Turner

[TALK] A Conversation with LWVUS President, Dr. Deborah Turner

LWVHI State Convention Guest Speaker Dr. Deborah Turner
Blog Post

Listen to the presentation and Q&A with Dr. Deborah Turner, President of LWVUS, at the 2021 Biennial Hawaii State LWV Convention on the HI State website.

As chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee and a member of the national board of directors, Dr. Turner has focused on organizational culture changes to the League’s mission work, emphasizing not only racial equity but also inter-generational dynamics, socioeconomic differences, gender identity, and interpersonal engagement.Her talk discussed LWVUS priorities and how LWVHI can contribute, followed by a Q&A session with members from the leagues of Honolulu and Hawai`i County.

League to which this content belongs: 
Hawai'i County