Juneteenth Commemoration Panel Discussion on Mass Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform

Juneteenth Commemoration Panel Discussion on Mass Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform

Juneteenth Commemoration Panel Discussion on Mass Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 7:30pm to Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 8:45pm
To commemorate Juneteenth 2021, join this panel discussion and conversation to discuss mass incarceration and criminal justice reform

About this event

Juneteenth is celebrated throughout the US on June 19th to recognize the end of slavery. 155 years later, chattel slavery is illegal and mass incarceration has replaced it as a form of bondage in Black and Brown communities. We encourage attendees to read Just Mercy (adult or young adult version) by Bryan Stevenson or view the film of the same title on your own. You may also consider watching the Netflix documentary Trial 4, which follows the journey of our panelist Sean Ellis. Then, join us for this panel discussion and reaction to the themes raised in the books and film. Panelists include General Counsel for the Suffolk County DA's Office, Donna Patalano; Program Director of Northeast Recovery Learning Center, Helina Fontes; and Exoneree and Trustee of the New England Innocence Project, Sean Ellis.

Appropriate for adults and school-age children age 13 and up. Books are available at the Winchester Public Library or Book Ends. The Just Mercy film is available at the Winchester Public Library. The Trial 4 film can be found on Netflix. Call the Winchester Public Library for a copy of the book or film at 781-721-7171 x 320.