Hello! We hope springtime has been treating you and yours well. Here in Barre, the tufted titmice are tweeting, the cows are growing up quick, and the farm looks brighter every day.
We’re excited to invite you to our third forum this April 27th focused on housing justice in Massachusetts, sponsored by Mass Call2Action and over a dozen Democratic committees across Massachusetts.
We’ll hear from Representative Nika Elugardo of the 15th Suffolk District; Huma Gupta, founding member of Project Right to Housing in Cambridge; Minnie McMahon of Dudley Neighbors, Inc.; and a representative from City Life/Vida Urbana, a 48 year old bilingual community organization based in Jamaica Plain. Laura Kiesel, a disabled writer and reporter who has covered the housing beat for multiple media outlets, will moderate.
Our speakers will touch upon the topics of social housing, community land trusts, tenants’ rights and protections, and current pieces of legislation at the state level. We’ll end the night with a brief Q&A.
All registrants will receive a follow-up email including a link to the recorded event, additional information from our speakers, and other ways to get and stay involved in pushing for more equitable housing policy in Massachusetts.