Who Gets to Vote? An In-Depth look at U.S. Voting Rights History

Who Gets to Vote? An In-Depth look at U.S. Voting Rights History


Michigan US
Thursday, February 3, 2022 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Thursday, February 3, 2022, 6:30-8:00, talk begins at 6:30.  Join the Zoom meeting up to 10 minutes before.


Faith Morrison is an emeritus professor of chemical engineering at Michigan Tech and a long-time member of the board of the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country (lwvccmi.org).  In this talk, Morrison traces voting rights in the United States from the nation’s founding up to the present day.  This event is part of local celebrations of the 2020 centennial of women’s voting rights; these celebrations have been organized by RiseUP-Recognizing the Importance of Women’s Suffrage Everywhere.  Morrison is chair of the board of RiseUP. She is also a board member of LWVCC.

Who Gets to Vote? An In-Depth look at U.S. Voting Rights History by Faith Morrison Held through Zoom* Recording available at: http://carnegiekeweenaw.org/exhibits-events