This article was printed in The Voter in April 2000.
The League of Women Voters of Ames is proud to name Ruth Swenson as the recipient of the annual Carrie Chapman Catt award. Ruth's recognition will be celebrated at the annual dinner meeting on April 26, 2000.
Ruth is a long standing member of the League. She has served the League of Women Voters of Ames in many capacities, including president from 1995-96 and board member from 1994-99. Ruth served as Voter service Chair from 1997-99, and took a lead role in organizing the candidate forums during this time period. Ruth also produced and distributed the annual Political Directory and Voter Guide.
Ruth has a stronq interest in health care, and has been very involved in the League's Story county Hospital Study. She served on the Phase I Committee for this study and chaired the Phase II study. She wrote the final report for the study, and presented the results to the League membership for concurrence on the position statement. She conducted multiple presentations of the study results to groups in Story County. Ruth's interest in health care continues, as she attends Story County Hospital's Board meetings as an observer. She also volunteers at Mary Greeley Medical Center in the Hospitality Shop and with Meals on Wheels.
Ruth has attended state and national LWV conventions. She has chaired and coordinated town meetings on child care. In 1996, she organized League materials for archiving in the Special Collections Department of Parks Library as Iowa State University. Ruth has also been active in promoting voter registration and turnout for elections.
In addition to her League activities, Ruth has found the time to volunteer for many other organizations. She is active with the Reiman Gardens Co Horts, YSS, Heartland Senior Services and her church. Ruth is also on the Advisory Board of the Archives of Women in Science and Engineering, and is a member of the LAS Dean's Advisory Council.
Ruth is very deserving of the Carrie Chapman Catt award, and we're proud to have her active participation in our community.