Voter Hotline Volunteers

Voter Hotline Volunteers


Voter Hotline Volunteers Are Ready to Make Democracy Work!

Getting out the vote is especially fun when you can answer voters’ questions with confidence! On Monday, May 23, Tuesday, May 24, and Saturday, May 28, Amy Majeske of the Voter Services Planning Team conducted voter hotline training. Volunteers were taught how to navigate the various websites offering voter information.

Website navigation is heavily geared toward familiarizing voters with the mechanics of voting. However, this year we are adding a few other tips to give voters what they need to make informed choices on their ballots. If you have a favorite nonpartisan website or source to share, contact us at voterservices [at] for us to consider adding your source—and do it today!

The training ensures voters calling our office get immediate, accurate answers to their questions about voting in the June 7, 2022, Primary Election!

There’s still time for you to volunteer: One more training session is available on Thursday, June 2, at 7:00 p.m. Contact Amy Majeske to volunteer and attend the training.

You can be a part of helping voters navigate voting by mail, find their nearest drop-box locations, locate a preferred vote center, and more—all from the comfort of your home! Volunteer shifts are available from Friday, June 3, at 4:00 p.m. to Tuesday, June 7 (Election Day), at 8:00 p.m.

—Amy Majeske, Voter Services Committee (amy.majeske [at]

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