Members of the LWV-PA Board met in May. Here are some highlights:
« Delegates to the LWVC Convention in San Francisco were confirmed as Dorothy Keane, Peter Zavala, Veronica Jones, Katherine Gavzy, Robbie Davis, and Martha Zavala.
« The Events Committee reported that preparations for the 87th Annual Meeting are in the final stages and that members will have several opportunities to register for the event.
« The proposed mission statements for two LWV-PA projects, a Civics Academy Project (CAP) and Community Out-Reach (COR), were discussed. President Zavala stated that these projects would be introduced at the Annual Meeting so that all members are informed of the opportunity to participate.
« The LWVUS is acting on the Transformation Road Map. The program, called “Framing the Future,” is designed to ensure participation from all local Leagues. President Zavala reported that all state League presidents will convene in June 2023 to review the insights gained from the input and to help make key decisions about our transition to an organization that is better integrated with a greater capacity to fulfill its mission.
« The Pasadena City Counsel considered reducing the watering restrictions from two days a week to three days and removing other water restrictions as well. Councilmember Tyron Hampton brought the issue back up for discussion, and it was decided to keep restrictions the same. Greater advocacy to ensure that the city acts in accordance with its climate emergency declaration is needed.
—Submitted by Kelsey Green, Secretary