Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Have you changed your name or moved since the last time you voted? Do you want to change your party designation? Has someone in your household reached voting age? Are you sure you’re ready for election day? No worries, National Voter Registration Day is coming up on Tuesday, September 19, and the LWV of Cooperstown is joining other organizations like the NBA, the American Library Association, Rock the Vote, and many more from across the country who will work to make sure that every voter is ready for Election Day, November 7, 2023.
The League will have voter registration tables at the Village Library of Cooperstown, the Grand Union in Hartwick Seminary, and the Cherry Valley Bookstore (81 Alden Street) from noon to 6. League members will be on hand to answer questions and assist with forms. The LWV Oneonta will be registering students at the SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College campuses.
Here's the full schedule: September 19, 2023, National Voter Registration Day Schedule:
- Village Library of Cooperstown, 22 Main Street, Cooperstown, noon-6 p.m.
- Grand Union, 5 Commons Dr, The Commons, Hartwick Seminary, noon-6 p.m.
- Cherry Valley Bookstore, 81 Alden St., Cherry Valley, noon-6 p.m.
- Hartwick College Dewar Union, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
- SUNY Oneonta International Lounge, noon-6 p.m.;}If you can’t make these events, visit VOTE411.org, the League of Women Voters one-stop shop for voters.
The first step in being ready to vote is, of course, being registered to vote, and voter registration is the primary focus of National Voter Registration Day. However, the League also feels that September 19 serves another important purpose for all citizens, even those who are registered—it’s a reminder to make sure you are good-to-go on election day. Think of it as an annual check-up on your voting status. Go to VOTE411.org. Chose whether you want to register or verify your voting information, answer a few questions and you’re on your way.
No matter how or when you register, be sure to complete your registration in time for Election Day, Tuesday, November 7.
Here are the important deadlines:
• Online registration: 10 days before Election Day—October 28
• Register by mail: forms must be received by October 28, 10 days before Election Day. Please allow time for mailing or deliver your form to the County Board of Elections (140 County Hwy 33, Cooperstown).
• In-person registration: 10 days before Election Day, October 28. Register in-person at the County Board of Elections (140 County Hwy 33, Cooperstown).