Annual Planning Meeting in-person or by ZOOM

Annual Planning Meeting in-person or by ZOOM


Griffin's Cafe at old Jutila Center
200 Michigan St #313
Hancock Michigan 49930
Michigan US
Saturday, January 11, 2025 - 11:30am to 2:30pm

The LWVCC will be having its yearly Planning Meeting on January 11, 2025. We will have a luncheon meeting at the Griffin Café in the Skyline Commons, the former Jutila building, in Hancock. Individuals may order for themselves from the menu starting at
11:30. We will start our in-person business, and a virtual meeting will be available on zoom at 12

During that meeting we will be discussing and prioritizing non-partisan issues that LWVCC will focus on over the coming year. We need to hear from members about the topics for educational programs and advocacy that you are interested in.

It is also the time that the calendar for the year begins to take shape with planned activities such as Bridgefest and events at MTU. During this meeting we will also talk about plans for the Annual Membership meeting in April. We need your input regarding
matters such as venue, speaker, date etc.

This is the time to make your suggestions about any program or study topic you would like to see in the coming program year and offer your help. The board would really like to see active committees developed by members such as healthcare, education, natural resources. We are in great need of an administrator for our Facebook page. Help with the webpage would be wonderful as well.

Also at the January planning meeting, we are asked by LWVMI to respond to some questions as the state league prepares for the bi-annual state convention.

Please bring any ideas and join us for this important element of our league work. In this post-election moment, there is much for us to consider as we maintain our 105 year mission to be defenders of democracy. As an added incentive to promote
attendance, LWVCC will cover lunch for non-board members. Give your slip to Mary.

Please follow us on our Facebook page and our

If you wish to join, contact Mary Marchaterre at 906-483-2291 or email mmmarcha [at]