Links To Recordings
[ You Tube Recordings]
[Wildfire Debris: Biomass] [Climate Change Slides] [Journalism In Democracy] [Tuscan Water District] [Air Quality:Butte County] [Water:Butte County, Part 1]
[Water:Butte County, Part 3]
[Homelessness, Part 1] [Homelessness, Part 2] [How We Vote]
September 19, 2024 - "Pros and Cons Presentation"
Link to Live Presentation - Ballot Measures
June 20, 2024 - "Forecasting the Future"
May 22, 2024- Annual Meeting/Elections
Our League continues its efforts to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy in this ultra-important election year, our annual meeting is the kick-off to the fall election season. We will elect officers, agree on the budget priorities for the coming year's work, and ratify changes in our bylaws that increase our ability to raise funds to support the full range of League. activities.
2024-2025 Program Priorities Approved
LWVBC members at the May 22, 2024, Annual Meeting voted to keep in place our program
priorities as adopted at the 2024 Annual Meeting. They are:
Social Policy: Housing/Homelessness; Healthcare; Criminal Justice
Government: Election Integrity; Combatting Misinformation; Encouraging Voter
Participation; Nonpartisan Redistricting
Natural Resources: Acting on Issues of Climate Change and Growth in Butte County
Board Members:
Top Row (left to right):
Sandra Flake,Treasurer (Recipient of 2024 Mita Markland Award for Outstanding Community Service); Maureen
Kirk, Nominating Committee; Satsie Veith, Co-President; Corky LeTellier, Director Voter Registration; Claire Greene; VP Voter
Services; Janet Rechtman, Co-President; Alexandra Shand, IncomingTreasurer
Bottom Row (left to right): Kathleen Kaiser, Nominating Committee; Nicole Drummond, Incoming Director Social Policy;Toni Reid, Director Natural Resources; Carol Holzgrafe, Secretary; Marcia Moore, VPMembership; Caroline Langen, Director Observers
Not Pictured. Lisa Cooperman, Assistant Director Voter Services; Jennie Blevins, Director Communications
February 17, 2024 - "The Electoral College"
February 11, 2024 - "Speed Dating Candidate Event"
Candidates and voters gathered to meet and learn from each other at the LWVBC Speed-Dating Event on February 11. Participating candidates were: US Congress Dist 1: Rose Penelope Yee and Michael Doran; State Senate Dist 1: David Fennell; State Assembly Dist 3: Aaron Draper; Butte County Board of Supervisors: Julie Threet & Doug Teeter, Dist 5, Joanna Warrens, Dist 4.
January 9, 2024 - "How We Vote"
December 2023
Language Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting
Keaton Denlay — County Clerk Recorder and 4 of the 8 Butte County election staff presented information as directed by election code to represent county’s minority population. Pictured Left to Right: Marvey Mueller, Roxanne Ferry (Northern California Hispanic Resource Council, Keaton Denlay (Butte County Clerk Recorder ) and Satsie Veith (LWVBC).
LWV of Butte County held its Annual Meeting
Monday May 22, 2023
Newly elected officers and directors were chosen and a few adjustments to bilaws were made.
L-R: Claire Greene, Caroline Aldrich-Langen, Janet Rechtman, Satsie Veith, Maureen Kirk
- Program for 2023-2024 (for Education & Advocacy) will be:
• Social Policy - Housing/Homelessness; Healthcare; Criminal Justice
• Government - Election Integrity; Combating Misinformation; Encouraging Voter Participation; Nonpartisan Redistricting
• Natural Resources - Acting on Issues of Climate Change and Growth in Butte County
LWV California Convention
May 19-21, 2023 San Francisco
Local League members (clockwise L-R) Janet Rechtman, Becky White, Nicole Drummond, Debra Barger & Satsie Veith
LWVBC Member Planning Meeting and Potluck - "A Feast of Ideas"
February 11, 2023
Members of the League of Women Voters of Butte County gathered on 2/11 to share a potluck lunch and explore opportunities for programming in 2023-24.
LWVBC Natural Resource Committee's 3rd Water Program
November 3, 2022 7:00 pm
Butte County faces critical issues related to everyone’s access to water.
Join our panel of experts who represent urban water distribution, large-scale landscape irrigation systems, and neighborhood habitat programs. They will share their current actions, their plans, and tips for audience members.
The Speakers:
- Evan Markey is the District Manager, Chico, California Water Services “Cal Water”). He served as Conservation Coordinator for Cal Water in 2015-2016.
- Anthony Meyer is the Northern Regional Conservation Coordinator for California Water Services. He studied Water Conservation through the American Water Works Assn and Santiago College.
- Mike Alonzo has been Supervisor of Grounds and Landscape Service, CSU Chico for the past 10 years. He has worked on several large-scale irrigation systems including high-end golf courses. Currently the Grounds department has been converting areas on campus from lawn to CA native and draught tolerant landscaping.
- Carla Resnick is coordinator of Altacal Audubon’s Neighborhood Habitat Program. The focus of the program is to support wildlife in a water-wise manner. Spending time hiking, birding and gardening in Northern California provides her with much to observe and ponder, in the service of the program’s focus.
Link to Recorded Presentation
- - Certified Neighborhood Habitat Program
- Certified Neighborhood Habitat Program Resources Packet with Self-Assessment
- Altacal's October Program -- Approaches to Creating Habitat
- Gardening in a Drought - California Native Plant Society (
Homing in on Homelessness Webinar 2 of 3, The Path from Crisis to Care
October 5, 2022 5 PM
How can a community respond to so many calls for help?
In the second of three webinars on the topic of homelessness, we will explore some solutions to this complex and large-scale problem.
In partnership with OLLI, LWVBC will present proven models of innovative programs and services that can assist and empower people in their search for accessible, affordable, secure places to call home.
Speakers include:
- Manny Escalante, North State Shelter Team
- Amber Benedict, CHAT
- Ed Mayer, Housing Authority of Butte County
- Brandon Slater, Slater and Son Construction
Link to Recorded Presentation
Fall Membership Coffee and Speaker: September 24
Program: Diana Dwyre, Professor of Political Science at CSU Chico, on “Campaign Finance in the U.S.: Why We Have the System We Have”
The Future of Water in Butte County: June 30
(#2 of 3 water programs):
An exploration of critical issues facing our county as we attempt to meet agricultural and residential water demands, as well as protect our environment, given increasingly serious drought and climate change conditions.
A panel of experts covered topics including the County’s share of “Table A” water from Lake Oroville, the Paradise Irrigation District Sustainability Options Study, the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Plan and its impact on local ecosystems.
Speakers and Topics:
Kamie Loeser, Director, Butte County Department of Water and Conservation: Table A Water
Mickey Rich, Assistant District Manager, Paradise Irrigation District: PID Options Study
Three speakers on the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) and the Vina GSP:
Tod Kimmelshue, Butte County Supervisor and member of the Vina GSA Board representing the County
Evan Tuchinsky, Chair of Vina GSA Board and stakeholder representing domestic well users
Jim Brobeck, Environmental Representative on the Vina Stakeholders Advisory Committee
Chico Enterprise Record provided excellent coverage of the Water Discussion by Michael Weber. Thank you.
Homing in on Homelessness: The Path from Crisis to Care,
June 15 (Part 1 of 3)

Link to Recorded Presentation
Water Issues in Butte County - Part 1, March 3
A presentation by the LWV Butte County Resources Team: Toni Reid, Sunday Cummins, Suellen Rowlison
Link to Slides
Link to Recorded Presentation
Air Quality in Butte County: How to Track Pollution and Protect Yourself, November 10
Link to Recorded Presentation
Jason Mandly of the Butte County Air Quality Management District will discuss
- what BCAQMD does,
- particulates and ozone: the main two types of pollution that impact Butte County,
- whether our air quality is getting better or worse,
- how to go on-line to track wildfire smoke and to use the Air Quality Index.
Mr. Mandly leads the Air Quality Management District’s planning and outreach programs; his background is in air monitoring and meteorology.
The Tuscan Water District: Good or Bad for Butte County? Hear Both Sides-Thu October 21
Informed speakers for and against TWD will answer questions on what the proposed district is, how it would work, and whether it would be beneficial or detrimental for our county.The speakers are
1) Tovey Giezentanner, Spokesperson for the TWD. , Giezentanner owns a small manufacturing company in Chico. Giezentanner attended Chico State and served in the U.S. Army.
2) Ed McLaughlin, Petitioner for the TWD, former BC Supervisor, current President of Durham Unified School Board. McLaughlin is a farmer,
3) Aimee Raymond, Member of Butte County Water Commission, former member of Rock Creek Reclamation District Board. She was an Engineering Fellow at Johnson & Johnson where she managed their global supply chain technology innovation project portfolios.
4) Barbara Vlamis, AquAlliance's Executive Director with over 30 years of experience in urban planning and protection of groundwater and wetlands through advocacy, education, and litigation.
Voter Registration - Johnny Appleseed Days - October 4 & 5, 2021
LWV Fall Membership Coffee - September 11, 2021
Dr. Charlie Turner speaks on topic of Recall Elections in California. Officers present reports.
Recall Election 2021 Voter Registration - September 2021
Putting Wildfire Debris to Good Use: Biomass Fuel Production in Butte County - April 10 2021
The League of Women Voters of Butte County is hosting a live presentation on “Putting Wildfire Debris to Good Use: Biomass Fuel Production in Butte County " in a Zoom format on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 10-11:30am. The public is invited.
Jim Houtman, Project Manager for the Butte County Fire Safe Council, will provide a 30-minute presentation on Putting Wildfire Debris to Good Use: Biomass Fuel Production in Butte County. Houtman is a Northern California lifer with an agricultural background. He retired in 2017 from the City of Chico Fire Department and has been working for the Butte County Fire Safe Council (BCFSC) since February 2019. BCFSC is a nonprofit that was formed in 1998 to represent local Fire Safe Councils throughout Butte County.
After the Camp Fire in 2018, BCFSC identified a need to find a home for the burned trees as well the development of a model for incentivizing private landowners to thin their forests. The thinning of the forests reduces fire risk, creates a healthy forest, sequesters carbon, and protects watershed—which all increase the wildlife habitat. BCFSC identified several technologies and works to define opportunities for fulfilling its mission. Those outcomes will be discussed during Houtman’s presentation.
The Role of Journalism in Preserving Democracy - March 10, 2021
The League of Women Voters of Butte County will host “The Role of Journalism in Preserving Democracy " in a Zoom webinar format on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 6:30pm. The public is invited.
A League moderator will pose questions to the panelists, and members of the public will also be able to submit questions during the program. Questions will include subjects such as what role the media has in preserving democracy, the unique challenges imposed by social media on journalists and news organizations, the evolving perception of the news media, and the importance of supporting and maintaining local news organizations.
Panelists include . . .
- Dr. Jennifer Brundidge, Associate Professor in Communication Arts and Sciences at California State University, Chico
- Natalie Hanson, Reporter, Chico Enterprise-Record
- Forrest Hartman, Lecturer in Journalism & Public Relations, California State University, Chico
- Mike Wolcott, Editor, Chico Enterprise-Record
Election 2020: Enterprise Record October 17, 2020
HIT-Â As tough as it was to shift while doing a dozen other things, the League of Women Voters of Butte County gets an A-plus for transforming their candidates forum events.
Having worked for years with the league, we know the challenge grow at election time, from reaching out to all the candidates to securing a fair place for the forums to be.
Every election, the league has managed to pull off some amazing forums that give the public a chance to really see and interact with those running for office.
But add COVID and scheduling, questions and interactions get horribly complex.
Democracy in action, the league came through again, hosting almost a dozen candidate forums on its website, while allowing the public to submit questions in advance.
It may even be better this way because the recorded forums are still on the league’s website and the can be viewed anytime.
Shout outs go to the Chico and Paradise chambers for their roles in candidate events, which are on their websites too.
More information is available this year on the candidates than in any in the past that we can remember.
LWVBC General Meeting: June 30, 2020
Census Panel- Counting Everyone in 2020: February 13
Panelists will include: Mahalley Allen, Political Science Department Chair at Chico State; Debra Lucero, Butte County Supervisor; and Megan Smith, Chair of the Butte County Complete Count Committee. Also present as moderators will be Katie Salcido and Jacki Walker, Partnership Specialists for the U.S. Census Bureau.
Voter Registration: January 28
The League of Women Voters of Butte County visited every county library branch on Tuesday, January 28 to do voter registration and outreach. Shown here in Gridley are Roxanne Ferry, Pam Sachs and Marvey Mueller.
Candidate Forum: January 15
2019 Fall Speaker Series: Climate Change
A full house at the Gateway Museum last night learned about our local climate change liabilities and a sensible approach to deal with the dangers.
LWVBC member Marvey Mueller introduced the team and opened the four-part speaker series which will continue once a month through December. (Next dates: Oct. 17, Nov. 14 & Dec. 5) More information and detailed coverage of all 4 presentations. Click Here.
June: LWV Convention
January 24: LWV of Butte County Annual Potluck & Program
What will Voting Look Like in 2020 ?
January 19: Women's March - Chico, CA
September Meeting

June 28-July1:
LWVUS 2018 Convention, Chicago, IL
Delegates from LWV Butte County were Debra Barger, Elaina McReynolds and Jane Wanderer.
June 14:
Reminiscing about Candidate Forums following Voter Service Director Rose Kelley's Departure. Butte County benefited greatly from her efforts and LWVBC wishes her well in South Dakota.
May 9: League Members Working at Forum
May 9: Butte County Supervisors, District 2 and 3
May 9: Butte County Assessor Forum
April 30: U.S. Representative District 1, Forum
March 14: Sunshine Week Public Informational Forum
- David Little, Editor of Chico Enterprise Record and the Oroville Mercury Register
- Mark Plenke, CSUC Journalism Professor and Orion Advisor
- Tim Crews, Owner and Editor of Valley Mirror
- Robert Speer, prior CN&R Editor and Journalist
TOPIC: Transparency in government; what are we really seeing? What is the Freedom of Information Act?
WHAT: March 11 to 17 is the American Society of News Editors and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press's sponsored Sunshine Week that celebrates a free press. In furtherance of its public service mission, the League of Women Voters of Butte County is offering its Spring Lunch and Learn to the public at large to recognize and promote the importance of a free press in our community. Supporting reporting: use it or lose it.
February 17: Training - Communicate Effectively with Legislators
At the end of a successful afternoon of presentation and hands-on learning smart phone aps and other techniques to let their legislators hear their voices, San Jose AAUW's public policy chair and our speaker, Peg Carlson-Bowen (center), is surrounded by our local AAUW-LWVBC workshop support team. Carol Holzgrafe, Debra Barger, Helen Gesick, Marcelene Brown, Katy Azevedo and Jane Wanderer.
January 30: Emergency Preparedness
The League of Women Voters of Butte County invites citizens and representatives of organizations to an informational forum on being prepared for a catastrophic emergency or evacuation in Chico similar to the 2017 Santa Rosa Fire Evacuation and the Oroville Evacuation.
The event will be in the Fellowship Hall of the First Baptist Church, 850 Palmetto in Chico on Tuesday, January 30 at 7:00pm. A potluck dinner will be available at 6:00.
Each of the panelists will discuss their agency or department role during an emergency or disaster. The four panelists who will address the public:
- Lt. James Bell, Butte County Sheriff's office
- Capt. Aaron Lowe, Chico Fire Department
- Cindi Dunsmoor, Butte County Emergency Service Manager
- Bob Kiuttu, Enloe Hospital's Emergency Preparedness Manager
Topics will include:
- What citizens can do to prepare for evacuation or a disaster
- How the public will be made aware of the scope of the emergency
- How citizens may help with an evacuation
- What to take to a shelter
- What is needed to shelter in place
- What to do if separated from family members
- Physical items to have prepared in case of evacuations (important documents, personal items, medications, etc.)
Linda Watkins-Bennett interview with Debra Barger
January 20: Women's March - Chico