Why do judges consistently receive low vote totals in local elections? Perhaps it’s because most of us don’t have a good understanding of the Ohio court system and how the courts impact our daily lives.
League members shall be registering and providing voting information to Stark State Akron students and faculty as part of our celebration of the League's 100th Anniversary.
League members shall be registering and providing voting information to University of Akron students and faculty as part of our celebration of the League's 100th Anniversary.
The League’s Positions on issues - from government to social justice and the environment - underlie all League action. What are the League’s positions?
Join special guest, State Senator Vernon Sykes in a discussion facilitated by Rosanne Winter on Automatic Voter Registration at our All-Member Meeting.
You’ll learn: • What you need to know to correctly complete your ballot • What to expect when you arrive at the polls • How to vote absentee • Where to get information on the candidates and issues, and more!