LWVAA Positions and Priorities

LWVAA Positions and Priorities


Videoconference via Microsoft TEAMS.
Saturday, February 13, 2021 - 10:00am to Sunday, February 14, 2021 - 11:45am

LWVAA Positions and Priorities 

New to the League? Wanting to learn more about the League’s positions on issues? Once a year we gather - this year virtually - to review the League’s Positions and Priorities.  

The League’s Positions on issues - from government to social justice and the environment - underlie all League advocacy. Without a position, we cannot take action on behalf of the League.

Last year we reviewed the LWVUS positions. This year we’ll review a subset of the LWV Ohio positions under the umbrella of Social Policy, specifically Juvenile Justice, Primary and Secondary Education and Higher Education. To review LWV Ohio positions, click here.   

Our review can lead to studies and ultimately position revisions that, if supported by the membership and other Ohio leagues, can result in a vote at the LWV Ohio convention in May. This is grassroots democracy at its best.  

 This meeting is open to members and their guests who must register in advance.  

 We will be using the Microsoft Teams platform for this event. If you’ve been on Zoom, you’ll find that Teams has a similar look and feel. Teams performs best when launched from the Chrome browser. If you’ve never been on Teams, you’ll be asked to download the app when you join the meeting, or you can stay in the browser. 

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