Rally for Fair Maps and Fair Elections

Rally for Fair Maps and Fair Elections

Rally for Fair Maps


Ohio Supreme Court
65 S. Front Street
Columbus Ohio
Ohio US
Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 11:30am
Ohioans voted for #FairMaps—and we want those maps now! Click here for more information and to RSVP
 At the rally we will:
  • THANK the Ohio Supreme Court for upholding the Ohio Constitution
  • HEAR from supporters about why they demand Fair Maps and Fair Elections
  • DEMAND the Commission adopt the maps created by the independent, bipartisan mappers
  • DELIVER our sign-on letter to the Commissioners
  • FILL the map room at the Ohio Statehouse to silently demand Fair Maps and Fair Elections for Ohio and
  • SHOW that Ohioans are united against gerrymandering
Don’t forget to sign the Fair Districts sign-on letter! Please do so right now and share the link: bit.ly/OHFairMaps. We have 850 signatures so far, but we want THOUSANDS by next Thursday when we deliver to the Commissioners.