6/25/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

6/25/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 6/25/2024

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

At the beginning of the meeting, bids were considered from six companies for the Ohio Public Works Commission Sixth and Ohio paving project. The bid from Cardinal Asphalt Co. was accepted pending review of the bid packet for accuracy and compliance with the requirements of the county engineer’s office. All three trustees voted to accept the bid within these conditions.


Detective DeSerio reported on-call statistics for May, which included juvenile complaints, suspicious persons, warrants served, welfare checks, 911 calls, and traffic stops, among others, for a total of 384 calls. There was a discussion of disorderly behavior in the county at various festivals and destructive and suspicious activity at township parks. Detective DeSerio will suggest more frequent patrols around the parks at the request of trustees.

A Brady Lake area resident mentioned that on walks, his wife often finds discarded hypodermic needles, which she disposes of herself. The road crew will make sure that trash cans are available at the lake area for disposal.


Lighting at Brady Lake Park was discussed. The meter base will need to be upgraded to handle additional lighting. The park parking lot was also discussed. The township has applied for and received a grant to cover the $38,000 cost of paving the lot. The removal of trees at Phillips Park was also discussed; a motion was made to accept a bid from Falls Tree Service for the work, and all three trustees voted yes.

Mr. Smith reported that an open burn complaint was investigated on North Blvd. but was determined to be legal. He is also in touch with the electrician working with Ming Cheng owners to get their breakers into compliance. The fire gear grant applied for by the city of Kent has not yet been awarded. Titan USA has been issued an occupancy permit. Discussion regarding the siren located on Ravenna Rd. but no longer in use led to a suggestion to call either Signal Service or Motorola to inspect the tower to see if it is usable, then if it is to see if it can be hooked up for activation in case of weather emergencies.


  • A solicitation letter was received from a company asking to purchase a portion of land that Brady Lake sits on; the trustees decided not to take up the offer.
  • Mrs Kapusta received contact from a realtor interested in purchasing a parcel zoned commercial along Brady Lake Rd.; the trustees showed no interest.
  • A Diagonal Rd area resident asked that the road department fill in gravel or some other material at the turn from Diagonal onto Walnut, where the gravel has eroded. Mr. Akerley will address this.
  • A Horning Road area resident contacted Mr. Akerley about flooding issues at Horning, Carlton, and Pineview. Mr. Akerley will contact Eric Long at Portage Water Resources.
  • A Park Avenue resident continues to have problems accessing her driveway due to land being dug up nearby; Mr. Russell will follow up with Mike Collins for information regarding a surveyor to determine property boundaries.


Mrs. Russell discussed the importance of getting out information to the public regarding fire protection levies throughout the county, including the comparatively low mileage and cost to residents in the township of such protection to township residents. Mr. Swan suggested pitching a story to The Portager and taking out an ad in the paper announcing an open meeting to inform residents about the issue.

All three trustees approved payment of bills totaling $287,851.28.

The members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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