Talking Across the Divide—Topic for November All Member Meeting; guests are welcome
The family is gathered around the Thanksgiving table. The turkey is carved. The mashed potatoes await the rich pour of gravy. The green bean casserole releases its oniony aroma. After the giving of thanks, the conversation begins. And so does the heated political debate.
Have you ever experienced this scene? Have you hoped each year to mollify the intense opposing beliefs that divide even the closest families?
The All Member Meeting on November 15 may be just what you need. We’ll consider how to talk across these divisions by listening differently, reframing our comments, and asking judgment-free questions. Tips and resources will be shared so you might share with others. Maybe even your family.
LWV Kent member Jackie Peck will lead the discussion. AMM will start at 7 p.m. at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Open to the public.