

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government through education and advocacy and does not support or oppose political candidates or parties. We are committed to the core values of diversity, equity and inclusion. 

TechLab to help members navigate social media
Event Date: 
03/17/2025 - 6:00pm
Event location: 

Kent Social Services

PLAN TO ATTEND the LWV Kent TECHLab on Mon., March 17, 6 p.m., before the All Member Meeting for one-on-one help setting up the login for the dues changes coming up for League members!

All Member Meeting
Event Date: 
03/17/2025 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Kent Social Services

The All Member Meeting on March 17 will focus on a consensus process about the Federal Judiciary Study by the League of Women Voters US. Make sure to attend the March 4 meeting to learn about the study! FInd details by clicking on this event.

are you registered to vote?

Oct. 7, 2024 is the deadline to register for the Nov. 5 General Election! Review the information and make a plan to register and vote. You've got this!

Need voting information?

Information regarding future elections, including where, when, and how to vote as well as information on candidates and issues can be found on our Vote 411 voters guide.

LWVK Observer Corps

Welcome to the LWVK Observer Corps. Our mission is to provide objective, transparent, and easily accessible reports on local government public meetings.  A nonpartisan political group, LWVK encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government through education and advocacy and does not support or oppose political candidates or parties.

donate to lwv kent

Your support goes directly to the League's work to protect and defend our democracy. Together we ensure our elections are free, fair and accessible; protect our environment; and reduce the influence of money in our elections.