Provisional Ballot (additional info in next article)

Provisional Ballot (additional info in next article)


No, Voting a Provisional Ballot Does Not Mean Your Vote Will Not Count.

copied & pasted from:  Ohio Secretary of State Week in Review fwe January 27, 2023

A provisional ballot is used to record a vote if a voter's eligibility is in question and the voter would otherwise not be permitted to vote at his or her polling place. The content of a provisional ballot is no different from a regular ballot, but it is cast "provisionally" until election officials can verify the voter's eligibility to vote in the particular precinct at that election.

Any of the following scenarios would require you to cast a provisional ballot on Election Day:

• Your name does not appear on the official poll list for that precinct, or an election official asserts that you are not eligible to vote or is unable to determine your eligibility;
• You are unable to provide or do not have the required proof of identity;
• Your name appears on the official poll list for that precinct as having already requested an absentee ballot;
• Your name is marked on the poll list or signature book with a notation that certain registration mailings have been returned as undeliverable;
• Your voter registration has been challenged and/or a hearing on a challenge to your eligibility as an elector has been postponed until after Election Day; or
• Your signature, in the opinion of the precinct officers, does not match the signature on your registration form.

League to which this content belongs: 
Perrysburg Area