Joint Session for Estuary Management Plan update

Joint Session for Estuary Management Plan update


Coos Bay City Council Chambers
500 Central Avenue
Coos Bay Oregon 97420
Oregon US
Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 6:00pm

Special Session - 3 local governments meet

There is a special joint session of the three local governments (CB, NB, and the County) involved in the update for the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan to consider final language on Thursday, Dec. 7th at 6 p.m., in the Coos Bay City Council Chambers (500 Central Ave. in Coos Bay).
We encourage you to attend and give testimony!  I apologize for this late notice.  Do try to attend if at all possible.  I have not  seen any info for remote access as of yet.
More information is available on the Oregon Shores website link below.