The Abington-Cheltenham-Jenkintown Area Subscribed Articles

The Abington-Cheltenham-Jenkintown Area Subscribed Articles


Bucks County Board of Elections is providing the following opportunities for voters to get hands-on experience with the new Clear Ballot voting systems that will be in use at all Bucks County polls for the Prima


LWV-CDC's Oct. 10 candidates forum for county council candidates is featured in this Delaware County Times news article.

Research & Studies

Report of Gov. Tom Wolf's Redistricting Reform Commission, issued Aug. 29, 2019. LWVPA President Susan Carty was a member of the commission.

News: Voting Machines

Delaware County Leagues make voting machine news.

Public Statement

New voting machines [PDF]


On Tuesday, February 19, Carol Kuniholm, co-founder and chair of Fair Districts PA, and Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, provided updates on work to reform government and the consequences of unfettered gerrymandering.


In 1987, Congress passed legislation designating the month of March as Women's History Month. Additional resolutions were passed to authorize the President to declare March of each year as Women's History Month.


The strong voter participation during the 2018 general election in Bucks County and our surrounding community gives everyone reason to be proud.


Redistricting Reform Progress Report
