Arlington and Alexandria City

Arlington and Alexandria City


New memberships and membership renewals are on hold until February 3, when we plan to connect to the new LWV-US membership portal.

The League of Women Voters is committed to producing positive change in our communities. 

The Arlington and Alexandria City League is a nonpartisan organization that conducts public forums on a wide array of issues of concern to the Arlington and Alexandria community. We also advocate for policy on positions established through internal study and democratic consensus. We do not take positions on candidates or political parties.

The Arlington and Alexandria City League focuses on tackling two major issues:

  • Voter Registration
  • Voter Education


Women's Legislative Roundtable

Attend our Women's Legislative Roundtable (WLRT). It meets every Wednesday morning from 8:30-9:30am EST during the General Assembly Session (this year from 10 January - 6 March). You can attend either in person in Richmond or virtually.

Get Involved

Here are some ways you can get involved to make a difference with climate and fighting mis/disinformation.


Join Us

We rely on dues to support our programs. Why and how can you join our grassroots organization?