The Northern Shenandoah Valley

The Northern Shenandoah Valley

Your Vote Counts

Welcome to the LWV of the Northern Shenandoah Valley!  We are a Local League organized in Virginia serving the cities of Winchester and Harrisonburg, and counties of Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Rockingham, and Shenandoah.  We are proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, while working on vital, public policy issues of concern to each of the communities we serve.

Providing voter services is the primary method we use to ensure that eligible citizens who wish to vote are properly and timely registered and that they have information readily available to know where, how and when to vote. Our national database is easily accessible to provide voters with relevant, detailed information by ZIP code and is but one source we can provide!

Voting is the key to making democracy work!  We encourage informed and active participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.



Mission: Empowering voters. Protecting democracy.

Vision: A democracy where every eligible person is provided with the knowledge and the confidence to participate.

Value: Belief in the collective power of voters to create a more perfect democracy.