


Why Join the LWV of the Northern Shenandoah Valley?                      

You can help make our electoral system better by engaging voters and protecting their right to vote, educating the citizenry on important issues, learning about how our government works and making it work better. You can participate in our action groups, attend events, organize forums on current issues, and coordinate candidate forums.  Ultimately the LWV mission is to educate, educate, educate about how our democratic government works under the Constitution and how the process of voting works so that citizens’ concerns can be addressed! 

How do we do that:

  • Hold Voter Registration Drives.
  • Host community forums. 
  • Educate and inform citizens on current issues, the political process and advocate on these issues as appropriate.
  • Work to ensure that ALL votes are counted and ALL voices are heard preserving our Constitutional rights.
  • Help bring positive, lasting change in our communities.

Through participation in League events and projects, you will:

  • contribute valuable service to the community
  • discover new interests
  • develop new skills
  • learn about crucial issues in our community
  • make professional contacts
  • develop lasting friendships as you meet others in the League who share your interests

How Much Time Does Take?                                 

It’s entirely up to you. Some of our members just want to support the league with their annual dues and donations. Others want to stay informed and join us at our events such as candidate forums, environmental programs, and other educational and position-based programs.

Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. We cover a broad spectrum of issues and concerns; you may choose to become involved in one or more of them by actively participating in a group study, or listening to a panel of experts at a meeting or just reading about them in one of our publications.

We hope that you will use your membership as a chance to become more involved in your community and to meet others who share your interests and concerns.

What Else Do You Get?

As a member of the LWV of the Northern Shenandoah Valley you automatically become a member of LWV Virginia and LWV of the United States. You will receive their publications along with the newsletter from Virginia, The Virginia Voter.  You will have the knowledge that you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC and the Virgin Islands.

Click here to Join or Renew