LWVFL ACTION ALERT: Oppose ANOTHER bill aimed to punish abortion patients and those who help them

LWVFL ACTION ALERT: Oppose ANOTHER bill aimed to punish abortion patients and those who help them

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Time Range For Action Alert: 
February 23, 2024 to February 27, 2024


Your Action is Needed Now: 

Oppose bill aimed to punish abortion patients and those who help them

The Florida Senate Rules Committee will be taking up Senate Bill 476 (House Bill 651) on Monday (Feb. 26) at 2:00 p.m. (ET). This bill targets abortion providers, abortion-seeking patients, and people who help them by allowing lawsuits for “wrongful death” of an “unborn child.” This is the final committee stop in the Florida Senate.

The language in this bill has been used in other states to harass abortion providers by allowing individuals (like an ex-boyfriend of a patient who received abortion care) to sue abortion providers in civil court for wrongful death. This bill would leave survivors of domestic abuse in particularly vulnerable situations. Similar provisions have been used by abusers to maintain control over their victims and to harass health care providers who offer care to survivors of abuse.

The authors of the bill, Senator Erin Grall and Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka, have copied this proposed new law from laws passed in states hostile to abortion. Senator Grall and Rep. Persons-Mulicka were the authors of last year’s six-week abortion ban, and it's clear HB 651 is another example of political interference where it doesn't belong.


We're urging every Florida League member to contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee and tell them to vote NO on Senate Bill 476!


Florida Senate Rules Committee

Name Email Phone
Chair Mayfield (R)
mayfield.debbie.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5019
Vice Chair Perry (R) perry.keith.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5009
Sen. Baxley (R) baxley.dennis.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5013
Sen. Book (D) book.lauren.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5035
Sen. Boyd (R) boyd.jim.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5020
Sen. Brodeur (R) brodeur.jason.web [at] flsenate.gov  (850) 487-5010
Sen. Broxson (R) broxson.doug.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5001
Sen. Burgess (R) burgess.danny.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5023
Sen. Burton (R) burton.colleen.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5012
Sen. DiCeglie (R) diceglie.nick.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5018
Sen. Garcia (R) garcia.ileana.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5036
Sen. Hooper (R) hooper.ed.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5021
Sen. Hutson (R) hutson.travis.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5007
Sen. Jones (D) jones.shevrin.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5034
Sen. Osgood (D) osgood.rosalind.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5032
Sen. Rodriguez (R) rodriguez.anamaria.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5040
Sen. Rouson (D) rouson.darryl.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5016
Sen. Simon (R) simon.corey.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5003
Sen. Torres, Jr. (D)
torres.victor.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5025
Sen. Yarborough (R) yarborough.clay.web [at] flsenate.gov (850) 487-5004

Bulk email addresses separated with commas:

mayfield.debbie.web [at] flsenate.gov, perry.keith.web [at] flsenate.gov, baxley.dennis.web [at] flsenate.gov, book.lauren.web [at] flsenate.gov, boyd.jim.web [at] flsenate.gov, brodeur.jason.web [at] flsenate.gov, broxson.doug.web [at] flsenate.gov, burgess.danny.web [at] flsenate.gov, burton.colleen.web [at] flsenate.gov, diceglie.nick.web [at] flsenate.gov, garcia.ileana.web [at] flsenate.gov, hooper.ed.web [at] flsenate.gov, hutson.travis.web [at] flsenate.gov, jones.shevrin.web [at] flsenate.gov, osgood.rosalind.web [at] flsenate.gov, rodriguez.anamaria.web [at] flsenate.gov, rouson.darryl.web [at] flsenate.gov, simon.corey.web [at] flsenate.gov, torres.victor.web [at] flsenate.gov, yarborough.clay.web [at] flsenate.gov

Issues referenced by this action alert: 
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Health Care