Please note that making a donation to the League does not constitute membership. If you are interested in joining the League please do so here.
This Donation Page is intended for:
- Individuals who are not interested in becoming a member, but would like to make a donation;
- Members who wish to make a donation in addition to their membership dues.
From your donations, our local League can sustain many projects, such as:
- student interns who participate in the legislative process
- website development and maintenance
- public forums to educate citizens on local issues
- participation in statewide meetings and training
- development of civics education materials
Anyone can donate using the secure PayPal donate button below. You can make a donation using any type of credit card, debit card or PayPal cash. Please note: While the PayPal page says the dontation is for League of Women Voters of Florida, LWVAC does receive this donation directly.
We appreciate your support. Thank you!