President's Message, September 2021

President's Message, September 2021

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Blog Post

September 15, 2021

Dear Members,

Thank you to all who responded to the rankings of the LWVFL 2021 legislative priorities. I know it is a tough decision to rank items that are all critical priorities. As LWVFL president, Cecile Scoon, reminded us, “if a particular issue does not make it into the allocated 6 legislative priority spots, it does not mean the issue is not monitored or followed or acted upon by state League or local Leagues. The priority process allows for resources, staff/lobbyist time, and League Lobby Corps to be allocated in a productive manner, but we plan to be responsive to important matters that develop without notice in the legislative arena.”

I am sure there will be unexpected important issues that come up during this year’s legislative session, and I’m glad to know that League will be nimble enough to respond. For instance, LWVFL presented a statement Sept 3 responding to the Florida legislature’s anticipated restrictive reproductive legislation. Redistricting is also on the agenda this year. Redistricting is the redrawing of congressional and state legislative districts to adjust for uneven growth rates in different parts of the state. Districts determine which voters participate in which elections. Please see Diane Dimperio’s article below and check our website for updates.

Our state and community continue to struggle with COVID, and we support the Alachua County Superintendent and School Board in their efforts protecting the health and lives of students, staff, and community. League continues to support Home Rule. Policymakers within local school districts must be able to make safety decisions in local schools.

Be sure to check our calendar of activities each month and plan to join the committee(s) of your choice. All committees welcome new members and are looking for active involvement in the issues of the committee. Your participation is vital to LWVAC.

Thanks for all the work you do.

info [at]

League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County