Past Events For California + Diablo Valley + South San Mateo County + Southwest Santa Clara Valley + Solano County + Santa Clara County + The Bay Area

Event Date: 
02/09/2019 - 9:30am
Event location: 

Google Community Space

February 9th, Sat. 9:30 AM—3:00 PM LWV Bay Area League Day, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) in the Bay Area

Google Community Space, 188 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA. 

LWV Strategic Planning Retreat
Event Date: 
02/06/2019 - 10:00am to 02/07/2019 - 9:45am
Event location: 

Saratoga Fire Station

All members and the public are welcome to attend.

Event Date: 
02/04/2019 - 7:00pm to 02/05/2019 - 6:45pm
Event location: 

Benicia Public Library

Great Decisions 2019 Week Two: The Middle East: Regional Disorder

Monday, February 4th, Mon. 7:00 PM at the Benicia Public Library, Dona Benicia room. 

Event Date: 
02/02/2019 - 12:15pm to 2:15pm
Event location: 

Supervisor Candace Andersen's office

NOTE THE CHANGE IN MEETING LOCATION!! This is a repeat of the meeting on January 26 in Concord. Meet some experienced League members and others who have joined in the past year or so. Learn about League's history, structure, and how you can participate in Making Democracy Work!

Event Date: 
02/02/2019 - 10:00am to 02/03/2019 - 11:45am
Event location: 

LWV Diablo Valley office

This is our monthly advocacy planning meeting. Discussion may include local actions in support of positions from any level of the League, as well as updates on current priority issues such as housing, immigration, and healthcare.

Program Planning
Event Date: 
02/02/2019 - 9:00am to 02/03/2019 - 11:45am
Event location: 

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

The program planning process is one of the important ways we focus our grassroots work to align ourselves with our mission and the priorities set forth by LWV National and State, as well as identify and serve local goals.

Event Date: 
01/28/2019 - 7:00pm to 01/29/2019 - 6:45pm
Event location: 

Benicia Public Library

Great Decisions 2019 Week One will be Monday, January 28th at 7:00 PM at the Benicia Public Library, Dona Benicia room.

Event Date: 
01/26/2019 - 12:00pm to 01/27/2019 - 1:45pm
Event location: 

Concord Public Library

Choose this meeting or the one on February 2 in Lafayette. Meet some experienced League members and others who have joined in the past year or so. Learn about League's history, structure, and how you can participate in Making Democracy Work!

Event Date: 
01/26/2019 - 9:00am to 01/27/2019 - 10:45am

Hear ANN RAVEL speak about 

Event Date: 
01/24/2019 - 7:00pm to 01/25/2019 - 8:45pm
Event location: 

Cupertino Quinlan Center

 LWV Transformation Roadmap

What will the League look like in the next century?


Past Events Co-Hosted By The Bay Area + Diablo Valley + Santa Clara County + Solano County + South San Mateo County + Southwest Santa Clara Valley + California

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