Environmental Justice: Resources from Our Brown Bag Lunch Dialogue

Environmental Justice: Resources from Our Brown Bag Lunch Dialogue

mosaic of two women talking, hand with flower


virtual (Zoom)
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

On November 30, LWV Bay Area presented a one-hour Brown Bag Lunch Dialogue on Environmental Justice, featuring a discussion with leaders from APEN (Asian Pacific Environmental Network), and BARHII (Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative). This is the first in a series (through 2021-22) of Bay Area Community Conversations presented by the Bay Area League.  

The link to the recording, resource list and chat transcript are below: 


On YouTube:  https://youtu.be/VF4DUT62qUU

Meeting Recording: 

Here is a list of sites discussed:

Also mentioned by attendees:

And, finally, here is the transcript from chat:

00:42:03               Doug Cooper, LWV Marin:            Yay, BARHII!  Kudos!

01:10:17               Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her), Acterra, Mothers Out Front:  Love that idea. A community center powered with solar and battery-backup could also help with the urban heat island effect, providing cooling centers during extreme heat events.

01:23:11               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  https://www.barhii.org/housing-stability-and-family-health

01:23:31               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  The link above provides information about the housing and health connections for families

01:24:31               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  This report highlights 8 actions government can take now to prevent new waves of homelessness or evictions as people recover from COVID economic conditions:  https://www.barhii.org/8actions

01:24:44               Roma Dawson:  Thanks, Melissa.  We are following BAHFA and the five pilot programs closely.

01:25:12               Vivian Huang, APEN, she/her:     Here is APEN’s report on Resilience Before Disaster: https://apen4ej.org/resilience-before-disaster/

01:25:37               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  Equity Officers to support equity in resilience and emergency response:  https://www.barhii.org/embeddingequityinemergencyoperation

01:26:37               Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her), Acterra, Mothers Out Front:  https://bit.ly/NewsomEVequity

01:26:57               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  Farther Together, centering communities in resilience planning specifically.  https://www.barhii.org/latest-resources/farther-together-report

01:28:09               Jacqui Esquivel Vasquez (she/ her/ ella): Thank you Melissa and Vivian for sharing this information and opportunities for advocacy!

01:28:12               Doug Cooper, LWV Marin:            Thank you all, especially Vivian and Melissa. Great job!

01:28:14               Vivian Huang, APEN, she/her:     We pushed a Healthy Homes bill a few years ago.

01:28:20               Marian Shostrom:            Thank you for an excellent program about complex issues.

01:28:40               Vivian Huang, APEN, she/her:     https://apen4ej.org/its-official-we-have-a-healthy-homes-bill/

01:28:42               Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her), Acterra, Mothers Out Front:  Yes, this was super inspiring! Thanks for bringing us together for this conversation, LWV!!

01:29:22               Vivian Huang, APEN, she/her:     Thank you all for the great discussion, I admire LVW so much!

01:29:28               Shawn Gilbert:  Thank you very much!

01:29:35               Vivian Huang, APEN, she/her:     I’m sorry that I have another meeting at 1 pm so I will need to hop off.

01:29:42               Meg Giberson:  Will you send chat notes to all participants via email?

01:29:46               Melissa Jones - BARHII:  Thank you everyone!

01:29:58               Ann Wakeley:    Thanks so much for an interesting and important discussion!

01:31:21               Linda Hutchins-Knowles (she/her), Acterra, Mothers Out Front:  Thanks again. I need to drop off now, though I’d love to join you again in the future.






Contact Information
Roma Dawson
lwvbayarea [at] gmail.com