Focus 2022-2024: Revisiting Our Positions, Updating Regional Government Position

Focus 2022-2024: Revisiting Our Positions, Updating Regional Government Position

colored map of Bay Area with subsections indicated

The LWV Bay Area has adopted the following program for 2022-24:

  1.  A re-study of Regional Government and Planning, with the goal of a revised position which takes into consideration the recent substantial changes in the regional agencies.

  2. A review and update of all other LWV Bay Area positions to address issues raised by the County Council of the Leagues of Santa Clara County.  

Study Process and Scope: Recognizing the outstanding League work that went into previous studies of regional government and planning, a restudy is necessary in light of changes in scope and structure of regional agencies, new regional planning legislation, and regional impact on Bay Area’s equity and economy.  

A call to action will be issued for League representatives to join a monthly working task force study group, and a roundtable invitation will be issued to major regional agencies and nonprofit leaders to discuss regional governance and planning and their roles in meeting the goals of equity and inclusive economy.  From these meetings, the study group will re-define the Bay Area Regional Government position to be approved at the LWVBA 2024 Convention.