Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Metropolitan Transportation Commission

freeway traffic

The LWVBA observer reports for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are posted here as they become available. Note that they are posted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posted at the top.

July 12, 2021 - Bay Area Transportation Authority/Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority

BATA and BAIFA Observer Report, July 12, 2021 

A standing item on both the Bay Area Transportation Authority (BATA) and Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority (BAIFA) is Fastrak.

A Fastrak pandemic evaluation presentation received many public and commissioner comments. We discovered that Fastrak has a very large call center in Texas. California COVID 19 standards were not observed due to the configuration of in the call center and lack of local government standards. This forced many employees to skip work for fear of contracting COVID 19.

Reports showed low public approval ratings due reports of customers calling as many as 20 times a day. MTC ramped up the number of employees but the new employees gave little help and calls were forwarded to a handful of supervisors. Unfortunately, the telephone system automatically disconnects supervisor calls after a 20-minute hold time.

We also discovered that Fastrak will go to great lengths for toll payments to the extent of not allowing a person to register their car or attach payment to the Franchise Tax Board. Commissioner Nick Josefowitz commented that he didn’t want MTC to go to the same length for payment as So. Cal. Transit Authority, which attaches payment to property taxes.

Remedies such as second language information, extent of nonpayment inside of bills has been requested.
