You can support the League with your time
Join The League!
Become a part of the League of Women Voters!
There are many possible ways for you to participate actively in the League's work. Once you join, you will learn of volunteer opportunities through the League's newsletter (the VOTER), by signing up to receive email announcements, by attending unit meetings, or by coming back to this website. Use this link to join.
Follow Us and Stay Informed!
Upcoming Events
To see what other League events are coming up visit our Upcoming Events page, or call the office at (213) 368-1616 for more information.
No Time?
The League has a guilt-free policy for its members. You can join and participate as much or as little as you like. Many active members were inactive for years, then increased their participation as their lives changed.
Voter Service Committee
Become part of this exciting work that the League does. There is a place for you. Please RSVP to Valerie voterservice [at] lwvlosangeles.org. In your email, include what you are interested in doing and when you are available for meetings. All committee meetings will be virtual.
If you have questions, contact Valerie voterservice [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
Voter Service is responsible for :
- Voter Education: where to vote, how to vote and when to vote
- Fighting Voter Suppression
- Voter Registration
- Candidate Forums (virtual and in-person): We need moderators, timers and question sorters
- Ballot Measure presentations (virtual and in-person): local issues in June and more in November
- Ongoing learning and skills-building opportunities
- Tabling: Invite LWVGLA to table at your event using this link.
- Speakers Bureau: Use this link to request a speaker for your group.
- Volunteering: Volunteer to serve on the Voter Service Committee this election season!
LWVGLA San Fernando Valley Unit
Joining a local unit is a way to meet members in your neighborhood. For more information, contact Jean Thomson, mightmite [at] gmail.com.
LWVGLA Book Club
For information about the book club, contact Ann Rushton, annrushton.lwvla [at] gmail.com or Sue Strickland, johnandsioux [at] socal.rr.com
League Committees
Much of the League's Work is done through committees.
- Voter Service: Tabling in the community, registering voters, monitoring election procedures, candidate forums, ballot measure analysis, speakers bureau, Vote411 support: voterservice [at] LWVlosangeles.org.
- Action: Health care, full public financing, redistricting, Observer Corps; ballot measure advocacy: action [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Program: Assist in organizing educational events and League program planning: ed [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Criminal Justice Reform: Researching ways to make an impact in the area of criminal justice reform. Chair, Carolina Goodman, carolina.goodman [at] sbcglobal.net (carolina)@lwvlosangeles.org.
- Government Reform: Chair, Carolina Goodman, carolina.goodman [at] sbcglobal.net (carolina)@lwvlosangeles.org.
- Homeless Action: Searching for proactive ways to make a different in homelessness in Los Angeles. Contact Penny Sommers, Laurice [at] lwvlosangeles.org or Gina Thornburg, Gina [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Carbon Reduction & Climate Change: The LWV Pasadena addresses environmental issues at the local level by educating the community about climate change and by advocating for actions by local agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Please visit their website here, if you would like to join the committee.
A part of the League dedicated to research on issues, interviews, and reaching member consensus.
- Prison System: Prepare proposal for statewide study through research and communication with all local leagues. Chair, Jean Thomson, mightmite [at] gmail.com .
Programs and Projects
- Campaign Watch Commission: Serving as staff for the commissioners in their work to arbitrate false, prejudicial or personal attack campaign complaints in an expeditious manner.
- Interns: Mentor, train and integrate interns into LWVGLA. Mona Field, internships [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Election Management Services: Manage elections for community organizations such as home owners associations, public housing developments, and governing boards. Contact the League office at em [at] LWVlosangeles.org or call 213-368-1616 for quote.
- Voter Newsletter: Edit monthly articles, manage editorial policy and goals. To submit material or to become involved as assistant editor, contact Penny Sommers, Penny [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Vote411: Assist in maintaining and expanding the service of the League's pre-eminent voter information website, VOTE411.org.
- Legislative Interviews: Interview Los Angeles members of the legislature on League issues on state League positions (LWVC in February & March). If you are interested please contact Susan Rice, sfrice [at] sfrconsulting.com.
Organizational Maintenance
- Membership Committee: Assist with welcome calls, event planning, database maintenance, mailings, recruitment and engagement initiatives—contact membership [at] LWVlosangeles.org.
- Development/Fundraising: Contact development [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Communications: Expand LWVLA's use of PR tools, media database, media outreach planning, community outreach Please contact communications [at] lwvlosangeles.org.
- Finance Committee: Assist in asset investment strategy and oversight. Co-Chairs, Cathy Kaiser, kaiser.cathy [at] gmail.com.
Event Planning Committee
Our Event Planning Committee would love new members!
If you enjoy creatively solving problems, planning events, recruiting sponsors, and raising funds, please contact Mona Field at campaign.mona [at] gmail.com.
We will never ask you to give more time than you have.