Continue to support a publicly elected centralized authority, such as the Humboldt Harbor Commission, with full powers to function that oversees and enforces a master plan for Humboldt Bay.
2. Continue to support a long-term master plan for Humboldt Bay which includes completion, adoption, and implementation.
A. Review the plan periodically with actively recruited public input.
B. Support development that conforms to the plan.
C. Ensure the plan is based on the best available scientific data and research.
D. Encourage integration of city and county general plans in alignment with the adopted plan.3. Support protection through zoning and regulation for natural resources, including fish and wildlife habitat areas of Humboldt Bay with adequate funding for monitoring and enforcement.
A. Monitor and guard against pollution from all sources, such as trash, stormwater pollution, agriculture, and legacy contamination (contamination from former industrial sites that have been abandoned and not cleaned up).
B. Monitor and guard against introduction and spread of detrimental marine and terrestrial non-native species of plants and animals.
C. Maintain, restore, and enhance wetlands, riparian areas, greenbelts, and other watershed areas to preserve the natural integrity of Humboldt Bay.4. Ensure that industrial, commercial, and recreational development protects water quality and its beneficial uses, such as defined in the North Coast Basin Plan and the Humboldt Bay Area Plan, and preserves the habitat and natural resources of Humboldt Bay, including tribal, commercial, subsistence, and recreational fishing and shellfish harvesting while not hampering the enjoyment of Humboldt Bay for recreation, scenic, and other purposes.
A. Include industrial and commercial coastal dependent development that enhances and complements Humboldt Bay and its resources.
B. Promote activities which preserve, enhance, or restore the natural resources of Humboldt Bay.
C. Ensure importation of natural products are from sustainably managed resources.
D. Develop and maintain an integrated transportation system for Humboldt Bay, including encouraging active and public transportation.5. Support and monitor recreational development on Humboldt Bay.
A. Ensure appropriate public access for low-impact activities.
B. Monitor high-impact activities so they occur only where appropriate and in designated areas.
C. Ensure public physical and visual access to Humboldt Bay and adjacent coastal areas for the enjoyment of both residents and visitors.6. Provide public education that develops responsibility for stewardship that can ultimately transfer to all aspects of civic life and appropriate uses of Humboldt Bay.
A. Encourage year-around environmental education, including opportunities to visit coastal areas and participate in cleanup activities and invasive species eradication.
B. Support pollution prevention measures, including industrial sources and litter.
C. Promote the inherent value of Humboldt Bay's resources.
7. Encourage all governmental entities to work cooperatively in the stewardship, management, and development of Humboldt Bay.
8. Promote planning for sea level rise that protects natural habitats as well as public infrastructure.
A. Encourage use of public funding that emphasizes long-term rather than short-term adaptation measures.
B. Encourage planning that considers inland and upward migration of wetland habitats, particularly salt marsh.
C. Encourage relocating critical public infrastructure to higher ground.
D. Discourage new development in areas at risk of flooding, inundation, erosion, and rising groundwater due to sea level rise.
Natural Resources: Resources and Development of Humboldt Bay (1968, 2000, 2013, 2023)
Natural Resources: Resources and Development of Humboldt Bay (1968, 2000, 2013, 2023)
Support protection of Humboldt Bay and the orderly development of adjacent lands for industrial, shipping, commercial, recreational, and tribal uses. Support recognition of the intrinsic value of the bay, with full consideration of the conservation of Humboldt Bay's natural resources and stewardship of Humboldt Bay as a whole.
Position In Brief:
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Humboldt County