Social Policy: Adult Detention Facilities and Programs in Humboldt County (1978, 1984, 2006, 2016, 2024)

Social Policy: Adult Detention Facilities and Programs in Humboldt County (1978, 1984, 2006, 2016, 2024)

Support use of the jail facility, provided revisions and renovations occur as required by law as well as alternative programs for incarcerated adults .
Position In Brief: 
  1. Support recreation programs and facilities within the jail including alternatives such as yoga and meditation.
  2. Continue library, vocational and educational programs within the jail such as the book cart, opportunities to obtain a GED and college credit, and voter registration information.
  3. Support work alternative programs such as the farm, Humboldt Botanical Garden, Hoopa food distribution Eureka woodlot, and County garage.
  4. Support substance abuse counseling, veterans aftercare and treatment, and mental health counseling, such as a local treatment unit for those deemed incompetent by the courts to understand the court process in lieu of a waiting period to go to the State Hospital for competency treatment.
  5. Encourage pretrial and post-trial alternatives to incarceration.
  6. Support adequate fiscal support for full staffing, facilities repair/maintenance, and work alternative programs.
  7. Support the use of science-based risk assessment tools within the adult detention facilities and programs to address needs such as the dormitory supervision model with option of cells for behavioral health needs.
  8. Support adequate funding for re-entry facilities.
League to which this content belongs: 
Humboldt County