Summer League Day

Summer League Day

2019 summer league day


Women's City Club of Pasadena
160 N. Oakland Ave.
Psadena California
California US
Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 9:30am to Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 1:45pm

Please join us for an interesting presentation from NALEO on their Census Campaign. Then hear from our Communications Director, Fatima Malik, as she discusses different ways to communicate in the technology age. 

Giovanny Hernandez, NALEO Census Campaign Manager




 Giovany Hernandez will present us with the current state of the Censusform, funding and outreach. More importantly, he will highlight the ways inwhich local Leagues can develop their own outreach plans or partner withothers to ensure undercounted communities are counted.






 Fatima Malik will touch on print, in person and event interaction, on thephone, internet and social media communications. How Leagues canmaximize their communications capacity to promote their education andadvocacy campaigns.  Ms. Malik is former communications director for theLWVC  and has over 15 years experience in communications.

Feel free to bring laptops, smartphones, tablets or just good old fashion paper and pen. Whatever your level of comfort, this is the workshop for you!

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Contact Information
Sandra Trutt
s.trutt [at]