Unitarian Universalist Church
490 Aguajito Road
See map: Google Maps
California US
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 8:00pm to Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 7:45pm
Lunch & Learn with the League. "Measure H2O: Pros & Cons" Discussion of pros and cons of proposed initiative for Nov 2018 ballot on public ownership Monterey Peninsula water. (PublicWaterNow.org)
Pros by Public Water Now (PublicWaterNow.org)
Cons by California American Water (amwater.com/caaw)
Contact Bev Bean beverlygb [at] gmail.com
Lunch at 12:00 pm
The 17 dollar lunch is at 12 p.m. and requires a reservation.
Contact Beverly Bean by Saturday, 11/4/17: phone 484-2451. email beverlygb [at] gmail.com
Program at 12:30-1:30
The program is free and does not require a reservation.