VERIFYIT! is a free, online educational game that gives practice in examining news articles, current questions about voting, and facts about our government.  Explore the VerifyIt! Game at
The start of a new school year coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2020 election makes this year one of the most important  in recent history. Misinformation online, coupled with a lack of understanding of voting rules, makes this election year particularly difficult for young and first time voters. Our inability to speak with them and interact directly during such a critical time has created a real challenge for the League's youth outreach programs. LVW of Alameda decided to address the challenge by developing an online game to meet young voters in their online learning space. And they have shared it with LWVMRYCO.
The League of Women Voters of Alameda is making this game available to sister leagues to support our efforts to educate and motivate young people to participate in their democracy. Join in this effort by sharing the link with family, friends and others and liking Alameda's Facebook Page.  We’d like to get this game into the High Schools and Community Colleges so share any teacher contacts with Alameda's committee chair at (laura.kinley [at] or contact her if you’d like to send the special teacher email that she has prepared.