Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Booth

"Volunteers don't get paid, because they're priceless..."    Every detail of the work we do at the League of Women Voters of Nevada County is handled by a volunteer. Whether it be registering voters and handing out voter information at markets and fairs, or helping our candidate forums run smoothly, or holding a position on the Board, our volunteers are the wheels on the bus. 

With the nicer weather upon us and the General Election straight ahead, we have a lot going on! Our immediate volunteer needs include tabling at the Sierra College Earth Fest and helping us at our annual meeting on May 9. Click here to see all the upcoming opportunities and more details. If you can help, please contact Miriam Limov at volunteer [at] lwvnevadacounty.org.

We are also looking for a few people to be on our social media team. You don't have to be an expert! This is basically posting on Facebook a couple of times per month. If you can help, please contact Lynn Forbes at president [at] lwvnevadacounty.org