About the League of Women Voters of Nevada County

About the League of Women Voters of Nevada County

Non-Partisan Policy


The choice made in 1920 to neither support nor oppose any political party or candidate for public office continues today to ensure that the League’s voice is heard above the tumult of party politics. The League’s nonpartisan policy has added strength to the League’s position on issues and has made possible wide acceptance of the League’s positions on issues and has made possible wide acceptance of the League’s voter service and other educational activities.  At the same time the League is a political organization and encourages members to participate fully in the political party of their choice. It is an advantage to the League to have politically active members and equally important, it can be a personally satisfying experience.  Source:  https://www.lwv.org/league-management/policies-guidelines/developing-and-implementing-nonpartisan-policy


Non-partisanship toward candidates and political parties is critical to the effectiveness of the League’s unique voter service/citizen information work. It also provides a strong foundation for work done in support of issues. Action on legislation and ballot proposals is more effective when the public and the legislators believe the League’s conclusions are based on merit rather than politics.  

Board Member Party Affiliation

Board members usually have party affiliations and should currently carry out the responsibilities of every voter in exercising the franchise, including the responsibility to become informed about candidates.

Board Members in Elected (Public) Office

While board members generally may not run for elective office, the definition of what constitutes an elective office varies in grassroots organizations. Some town meetings consist of elected representatives, and League board members sometimes run for these offices. Members of charter commissions and delegates to state conventions are often elected, yet many Leagues allow board members to run in these elections. It is extremely difficult to make a blanket statement to cover all situations, especially since running for office is a natural outgrowth of League training. Each League, therefore, will have to decide on its policy and judge each situation as it occurs.

If a Board member declares for an elective office other than one determined permissible by the League, the Board decides whether the member should resign from the Board. Resigning from the Board does not mean resigning from the League, nor does it mean that the Board member cannot serve on the Board in the future; the Board decides when that is appropriate. Another possible option is for the person to take an off-Board position if there is a specific project or activity that still needs their contribution.

The President and the Voter Services Chair shall not visibly support candidates for political office.

Other questions of possible interest shall be addressed by the Board on a case-by-case basis.  

Members shall not publicly discuss nor distribute literature about candidates at any League meeting. No literature that is contrary to state and/or national League positions may be displayed or distributed at any League meeting.

DEI Policy

Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be accepted within the League, including but not limited to race, socio-economic status, age, ability status, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity, or marital status. The League is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging for all people. The League is an organization that respects and values the richness of our community and our members. The collective sum of our individual differences and life experiences represents not only our culture, but our reputation and the organization's mission and achievements as well.

Who We Are

We are women and men who are interested in understanding how the government works, how it impacts our lives and the lives of others, and who wish to be informed citizens and voters. Our members thrive on learning unbiased political information difficult to find elsewhere. Research information from National and State LWV as well as our own analysis gives us what we need to facilitate understanding in order to make clear and objective voting decisions.

We are a group of people engaged in our communities. New members are always welcome. 

What We Do

We Explain Ballot Measures in an unbiased way to citizens of our community.

We Moderate Candidate Forums in a fair and balanced manner, focusing on the issues.

We Register voters.

We Work at polling places.

We Provide on-line information of interest to voters.

What We Don't Do

The LWV never supports a candidate or a party at any level: local, state, or national. We always remain non-partisan in order to maintain integrity in our unique position of providing unbiased polictical information that helps citizens of our country have the information they need to participate in government in the most effective way according to each of their personal preferences.

How We Operate

The League accomplishments come directly from the involvement of its members with the belief that the more Nevada County citizens participate, the stronger, safer, and more vibrant our community will be. Anyone is free to contribute time, money, or attend our public functions without membership. You have many choices to spend as much or as little time as you wish!

Our unbiased presentations of the Pros & Cons of ballot propositions and moderation of Candidate Forums is a rare opportunity for voters to hear issues discussed and to ask questions of candidates in an open forum free from personal attacks. This approach has earned LWV a global reputation for integrity and thoroughness. 

Whether you aspire to leadership or to participate as a valued member in you area of interest, the League welcomes your civic curiosity as a citizen of Nevada County. We offer our members webinars, workshops, and mentorship opportunities at all levels of the organization. Contact us to get involved or attend an event you see posted on our homepage. Our website: https://my.lwv.org/california/nevada-county

To conduct our voter service and citizen education activities, resources are available to us from the National and California League of Women Voters Education Funds, which are 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organizations that never advocate. These resources are developed from a rich source of knowledge held and research conducted by our members nationwide.

Our Local League History

Our Nevada County League was created in 1978 when a few League members from other areas moved here and formed a Member-at-Large group, which later developed into a Provisional League.

In 1984 all necessary requirements were met and the group was accorded full status by the National and California State Leagues as the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County. The League changed its name to League of Women Voters of Nevada County in 2022 to be inclusive of the entire county. 

2024-25 Board Members Board Members


  • Co-President – Lynn Forbes
  • Co-President - Jan Bedayn
  • Membership Chair – JoAnn Marie
  • Treasurer – Connie Stone
  • Secretary – Lauren Drutz
  • Education Chair - JoAnn Castori 
  • Vote411 Chair - Julie Hubbard 
  • Voter Services Chair - Ariel Lovett 
  • Member at Large - David Jones 

Past Presidents

  • Joan Lancaster & Miriam Swift 1980-1981
  • Mary Adams 1981-1982
  • Edi Silverman 1982-1984
  • Shirley Price 1984-1986
  • Eloise Gregory 1986-1987
  • Susan Shotwell 1987-1988
  • Virginia Birdsall 1988-1989
  • Bonnie Taylor 1989-1991
  • Eloise Gregory 1991-1992
  • Betty Taylor 1992-1993
  • Scottie Shields 1993-1995
  • Mary Dreifuss & Dottie Schmidt 1995-1996
  • Mary Dreifuss 1996-1997
  • June Englebright 1997-1999
  • Dottie Schmidt 1999-2000
  • Joan Lancaster 2000-2002
  • Mary Dreifuss & Edi Silverman 2002-2004
  • Dottie Schmidt 2004-2005
  • Board of Directors 2005-2007
  • Ruth Schwartz 2007-2010
  • Board of Directors 2010-2011
  • Karen Schwartz 2011-2014
  • Anne DeWitt 2014-2015
  • JoAnn Marie 2015-2017
  • Janice Bedayn 2017–2021
  • Fran Cole 2021-2023
  • Lynn Forbes, Jan Bedayn 2023-25

Other League Organizations

Our members are also members of:

See other Leagues in California and other state Leagues and local League websites.

Nevada County History

View this interesting film of Ellen Sargent who founded the Nevada County's Women Suffrage Association in 1869.