A History of Women Speaking in Public in the U.S

A History of Women Speaking in Public in the U.S

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

If you missed the meeting, the recording is now available. Click here.

Speaker: Dr. Paige Banaji

For those who are accustomed to expressing themselves publicly, it is hard to imagine that this ability represents a huge cultural shift since our country’s early days. But during the history of the U.S., women have gone from being rarely seen and mostly silent to taking the stage to make their voices heard at the highest levels of public life. How did it happen?

The speaker, Dr. Paige Banaji, studied women’s history of public speaking in the U.S. and will share the voices of those pioneering women (and their detractors!). Dr. Banaji is Associate Professor of English and Director of the First-Year Writing Program at Barry University in Miami, Florida. 

Contact Information
LWV North & Central San Mateo County
lwvncsmc [at] sbcglobal.net