The Ban SUP Refill store at 25 South El Molino Ave. in Pasadena
Ban SUP Refill opened July 1, 2020, in response to the concern over plastic-waste generation and the lack of meaningful recycling or responsible waste management. Since then, Ban SUP Refill has saved over one million plastic items from being created or sent to landfills. Ban SUP Refill sells refillable personal and household items in drums and gallon containers, some of which are refilled by the suppliers and returned to the store. Ban SUP Refill also sells many unpackaged products as well as sustainably packaged food items. Many of their items are vegan and some are also palm oil free.
Ban SUP Refill was started by Cheryl Auger, president of Ban SUP, a group that focuses on plastic legislation and awareness. The store has a growing community presence. Many people are excited to bring their containers to the store for refills. Baskets, jars, and vases used at the store come from the community and are given away for free. Even stuffed animals are borrowed from the community for the displays (see photo). Containers that are not refilled have been repurposed for many different uses by winemakers, organic waste composters, lotion makers, and artists, to name a few, making the store nearly waste-free.
Ban SUP Refill is located at 25 South El Molino Ave. in Pasadena. You can shop online or in the store. Local delivery is free. The website is http://www.bansuprefill.com. Stop by next time you’re in the area.
—Kitty Kroger, Natural Resources Committee