League@Nite Recap

League@Nite Recap


Putting the Action in Pasadena’s Climate Action Plan

Reyes and Kubani

David Reyes (left), Director of Planning for the City of Pasadena, and Dean Kubani, urban sustainability expert and Chair of the City of Santa Monica’s Task Force on the Environment.



At our League @ Nite on March 18, more than one hundred citizens gathered virtually to learn about Pasadena’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) and about what cities can do to reduce their damaging greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). The evening began with a welcome and introduction by Pasadena Area League President Martha Zavala, stressing that climate change is a top priority for the League at the national, state, and local levels.

The evening’s moderator, Natural Resources Committee member Cynthia Cannady, introduced the two guest speakers, David Reyes, Director of Planning for the City of Pasadena, and Dean Kubani, urban sustainability expert and Chair of the City of Santa Monica’s Task Force on the Environment.

Reyes addressed the event, describing the background of Pasadena’s climate action plan and the processes for periodic measurement of greenhouse gas emissions. He explained that most GHGs come from vehicular traffic and buildings and that local action must focus on these two critical areas. Reyes was candid in acknowledging that the CAP was written and adopted by the City Council at a time when the climate emergency was not as well understood as it is now. He commented that it is important to focus more on specific actions that the city can take to reduce dependency on GHG-emitting fossil fuels. Reyes surprised the listeners by saying that we would be the first to hear that his department would soon be referring a proposal to the City Council on transition to all-electric energy sources in all new residential multifamily buildings. He also discussed opportunities for city buildings to have rooftop solar and said that this is an important area for cost-benefit analysis. He invited the audience to an upcoming meeting of the Municipal Services Committee on March 26.

Kubani then addressed the group, making a strong argument for immediate action to reduce GHGs in order to stave off an imminent climate disaster. He offered insights into the power that cities have to reduce their GHGs, pointing out the accomplishments of Santa Monica in reducing GHGs from municipal, commercial, and residential buildings as well as from vehicular traffic. He described an impressive affordable housing development that meets the standards of LEED Platinum and Net Zero Energy and the benefits to both developers and tenants because of lower long-term operating costs and lower utility bills.

A lively Q&A session followed, with far more questions put in the Q&A box (thirty-eight) than the experts had time to address. The questions showed a high level of audience awareness on issues including renewable energy, electric vehicles, treatment of waste, and bicycle transport.

Martha Zavala closed the program with an expression of appreciation for the two speakers as well as for the audience and the event organizers. If you were unable to attend, be sure to go to the LWV-PA website and click on the link to the YouTube video of the event!

—Cynthia Cannady, Natural Resources Committee

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