2013 City of Stockton Measures A & B

2013 City of Stockton Measures A & B


League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County Endorses Stockton's Measures A and B

The League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County has endorsed the City of Stockton's Measures A and B.  After listening to arguments in favor of and in opposition to the Measures, and after consulting League positions on government finance, our League made the decision to support the Measures.

The League believes Measure A, a general sales tax, will afford needed revenue to address bankruptcy and policing needs, while Measure B directs that the revenue will be allocated to those two priorities. 

"The inclusion of an oversight committee is crucial to ensuring that the monies are spent appropriately," said Diane Park, President of the San Joaquin County League.  The League urges all Stockton residents to keep informed as to how the revenue is being used.

League to which this content belongs: 
San Joaquin County