

Young people encouraging voting

The Join/Renew system is undergoing maintenance.  Please check back starting February 5th, 2025.

Joining the League is a great way to play an active role in your community and in our democracy! Everyone is welcome - membership in the League of Women Voters is open to anyone 16 years or older. 

When you join the League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County (LWVSJC), you are also joining the national (LWVUS) and state (LWVCA) LeaguesThirty-three percent of your dues payment will go to LWVUS, forty-seven percent will go to LWV California, and twenty percent will stay with us in San Joaquin County.

The state and national organizations provide full time staff and resources to help the local Leagues be effective in their local areas and also lobby the legislature or Congress for state and national issues that are too big for local Leagues to influence alone.

To join the League, click the Join/Renew button below to access the LWVUS Member portal. 

Button to Join or Renew

There are two ways you can choose to pay:

  • Pay Dues by Check 
  • Online - Click the Join/Renew button above.  If you are renewing, it should prompt you to login with your email address and pre-fill the form from your existing profile information.

Membership Dues:

  • Individual members: For 2025, LWVSJC recommends that existing members pay what they paid in 2024.  From the drop-down list, select the $75 suggested dues then on the next screen choose to donate $15 directly to LWVSJC so your total of $90 is the same as last year.
  • For Household members:  Assuming your household is two people, select the suggested $75 for the first member and for the second member enter $60 in the "Pay what you can" choice so your total is $135, the same as last year. Note that the system expects that each member will need to provide a unique email address.  If you share a single email address, contact us at LWVSJC [at] and we will help you.
  • Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.

Making Dues Payments

  • The preferred payment option is a direct bank transfer (ACH transfer), which minimizes fees. You’ll need your financial institution's routing number and your account number shown at the bottom of your checks.
  • You also have the option to pay by credit or debit card.
  • If you are not comfortable making payments online, see Pay Dues by Check for instructions. 
  • You will receive an online confirmation and an email receipt for your payment. 
  • Your membership dues payment will show up as three transactions on your account — one each to LWVUS, LWVCA, and LWVSJC. You’ll be a member of all three!
  • Keep things simple by automatically renewing each year!  Just select auto-renewal when you are paying your dues. 

Renewing Your Membership

You will receive an email reminder to renew one year after your last renewal, with a link to renew on the LWV Member Portal.
If you have signed up for auto-renew, you will get a reminder that your membership is automatically renewing.

Accessing the LWV Member Portal

To update your contact information or view your past payments, go to the  LWV Member Portal. 

To log in to the portal:
  • Enter the email address associated with your membership. 
  • You will be sent an email with a verification code to enter the code into the form. (You do not need a password.)

If you have any questions, contact us at LWVSJC [at]

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