Off-Premise Advertising

Off-Premise Advertising

The League of Women Voters of San Joaquin County supports governmental sign studies and subsequent ordinances for the control of off-premise signs.
Position In Brief: 

Support of governmental sign studies and subsequent ordinances for the control of off-premise signs, as follows: density, location, size of display area, size of structure (height, width, distance from ground), and ratio of structure size to parcel size.

Position History: 

Adopted in 1974; Reviewed in 2001; Revised in 2011.

  1. To attract and direct persons to various activities and enterprises, in order to provide for the maximum public convenience and safety.
  2. To provide a reasonable system of control for signs as part of the comprehensive zoning plan and under the jurisdiction of the appropriate planning commissions.
  3. To enhance the economic base of the community and each area thereof through the regulation of such things as size, location, design and illumination of signs.
  4. To reduce possible traffic and safety hazards through good signing.
  5. To encourage a desirable urban character which has a minimum of overhead clutter
  6. To relate sign area and height to viewing distances and optical characteristics of the eye.
National Position:


State Position:


League to which this content belongs: 
San Joaquin County